I am convinced that Americans are the biggest group of cucks in the world.

This point is raised by a recent story involving that fraud Ilhan Omar.  Omar is a Somali who got dumped into Minnesota as a “refugee” thanks to Bill Clinton’s stupidity.  Aren’t refugees supposed to go back eventually?  Well she became a naturalized citizen and since parts of Minnesota now have a large Muslim population — thanks to dumping Somalis everywhere under our insane “refugee” system — she was just elected to represent a district in the US House of Representatives.  Omar — who committed immigration fraud and the state crime of bigamy by marrying her brother — is now trying to get the rules of the House changed so she can wear her hijab in the chamber.

Taken aback by this, E.W. Jackson — a conservative pastor living in Virginia — remarked on his radio show that “The floor of Congress is now going to look like an Islamic republic.”

To which Ms. Omar quipped:

And folks, she’s not kidding.  There are parts of Minneapolis that are called Little Mogadishu.

Give them credit, at times they can forthrightly broadcast their intentions.

And here are some points that show how America is stupid:

  1. People who come to this country and become naturalized citizens should not be able to vote until at least the second or third generation — probably more if they’re coming from a non-European country.  The idea that they would be permitted to RUN FOR OFFICE is insane.  Only Americans can be so naive as to think that simply crossing the border makes one “an American” who will vote to uphold the traditions and culture of the nation.
  2. Americans don’t understand that Islam is a political system masquerading as a religion.  It is a political system no less pernicious than communism.  When Muslims have control they set up sharia law, and you have no choice but to obey it.  That’s NOT simply a religion — that’s a political system and it clearly upends the American system established here from the beginning.

Jackson continued:  “Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe in the freedom of religion, I believe in the First Amendment, but I’ll tell you what, I’m not voting for a Muslim to serve in any office.”  God bless his Boomer heart, but can he really not see, even at this late hour, that “freedom of religion” is going to be the death of us all?  What happens when there are more of them to vote than him?

Americans are having their own country conquered right before their eyes, and they’re even inviting the conquerors and paying for their welfare! C-U-C-K-S!