Democrats and Republicans would be wise — and I know I’m already going off the rails here with undue hope — to take a peer over at Europe to get an idea of what is likely to come this way if they don’t pull their heads out of their asses and get serious about governing.  Think the protests in France can’t quickly spiral into a larger conflagration?  Think the rise of right-wing parties over there is just an anomaly?  Europeans have a way of being a harbinger of unsettling moods.

Democrats and Republicans can dig their heels in and cry and pout and play games all they want, but one thing is certain:  as the years wear on, the people of this country are not going to magically become more tolerant of our disastrous immigration policy.

If they were smart they would find a way to work with Trump and diffuse the heat a bit.  Because if they don’t… they won’t want to see who comes after Trump.

And I’m not convinced they’re smart.