A British newspaper, The Sun newspaper is reporting that four British school children aged 16 and 17, together with their teacher have been allegedly raped at gunpoint on a school trip to Ghana.

According to the publication, the victims were attacked in their hostel-style accommodation by a man with a rifle on Saturday night, December 8.

The Sun newspaper indicated that the pupils flew to Ghana on a trip that was meant to give them the opportunity to experience life in a developing country. They were part of a larger group of ten schoolchildren who paid £1,200 each for the trip.


This same naivete and ignorance perhaps explains why so many Westerners are enthused about bringing third-world foreigners by the millions into their own cities.  Everybody has had it pounded into their heads that Western nations were the worst in history, and the rest of the world was composed of “noble savages”.  Yeah, what a load of crap.  The fact is, it was Christian civilization that criminalized rape.  And people want to throw that away?  Do you want your countries to look like Africa?