A tenet of multiculturalism is that a diversity of cultures strengthens a country by bringing a variety of different values.  What do you think:  do all cultures contribute equally to push a nation higher?

Consider that one way a culture can be judged is by the art that comes forth from its people; and the art that is not only appreciated and celebrated, but also that garbage which is suppressed.

I would like to present Exhibit A:  a Korean singing an Italian aria before a Japanese crowd.  I give it simply as an example of what Europeans and East Asians are capable of creating and appreciating.

Now let’s take a look at Exhibit B: a typical chart-topping single from modern America. This “song” has an astonishing 435 million views on YouTube. You only need to watch about ten seconds, because it’s the same after that.

What do you think? Does this represent a great achievement of culture?

America needs to wake up and figure out what the hell is going on. Who is pushing this crap on us and establishing it as the “art” for popular consumption? Does the cynical side of you wonder if, maybe, this is some kind of coordinated brainwashing designed to lower a nation into the gutter? Do you feel inspired listening to that? Do you feel human?

Which of the two music pieces makes you feel more human?