“But at least I have muh Constitution!”

We’re almost three years since the Brexit referendum where the British expressed, through the mechanism of the ballot box, that they wanted their nation out of the EU.  And to this day they’re no closer to the exit.

Two years ago the American people made clear that they want immigration stopped and a wall erected at the southern border.  And a single brick has yet to be laid.

Meanwhile, all over Europe and North America, the third-world invasion continues at break-neck pace — an invasion that no country’s people had voted for.  An invasion that is radically transforming their nations into something entirely different than what they once were.  Nations that now look a lot more like Africa and Pakistan than Ireland and Sweden.

Do you ever get the feeling that “democracy” is just a lie designed to make you believe that you have a choice in determining the future of your country?  And while you toil at the voting booth trying to effect “change”, The Powers That Be are busy looting your country?

I think I’ve had enough.  I’m ready for a king who is willing to rise up, take command and crush our enemies once and for all.