When you think of a university-level philosophy class what’s the first thing that comes to mind?  Maybe Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, right?


This is 2019 now, my friend.  And if you go to the University of Georgia and are fortunate enough to be taught by Irami Osei-Frimpong, you’re going to hear all about the evil white man and how he needs to be put in his place to fix all the racial injustices.

Let’s take a look at the mindset of the man teaching our young people:

I guess I am going to post once more on Curry’s situation. We are too easy on white people. The Washington Examiner posted an article with the lead: “Curry called for white genocide, saying in a 2012 podcast ‘in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.’ “ http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/texas-am-wont-fire-professor-who-called-for-killing-white-people/article/2622810

First of all, killing some white people isn’t genocide; it’s killing some white people. We had to kill some white people to get out of slavery. Maybe if we’d killed more during the 20th century we still wouldn’t talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing, education, and employment discrimination.

This should not be controversial. Some white people are really bad, and America abetted them reproducing that badness in their white progeny. I’d rather contain them with law enforcement, but US law enforcement isn’t particularly committed to making sure that white people act in accordance with racial justice. If we want racial justice without having to kill them, then all of our educational and media institutions should be preparing white people for the hit they are going to have to take, so that we get racial justice without killing too many of them.

This includes drilling down the notion that in order to make the country whole, we are going to have to take some of their shit. Whether it’s their money, their illusion of safety, or their self-esteem, a lot of the stuff we’ve led white people to believe is inalienably theirs; we are going to have to alienate and redistribute. And if I know white people — and I do — some of them are going to resent it and fight back with arms. I’d rather not have to kill them, but like Tommy said, “In order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.” The deep problem is that we’ve spent too long making policies out of coddling and producing the wrong type of white people.  (source)

What do you think?  Sounds like a great educator, right?

We can talk about voter suppression. We can talk about ID laws. But all of this begins and ends with the fact that we make crappy White people.

So if we are serious, we have to dismantle the institutions that make crappy white people. Their churches, their schools, their families.

The objective:  dismantle white people’s institutions.

Still think we’re going to vote our way out of this mess?

How does he view the results of the Georgia gubernatorial race where Stacey Abrams lost to Brian Kemp?  It was white supremacy, of course.

You see, when blacks vote for their best interests, that’s morally upstanding.  When whites vote for their interests, it’s “white supremacy”.  90% of blacks voted for Stacey Abrams.

He is right about one thing and we would be wise to hear it:  the Democratic Party has turned into an anti-white, anti-worker party.  If you’re white and want to preserve your life, you better move hard right and counter this insane tide of making the white man the world’s whipping post.  And if not, you will go the way of the French Haitians or the Rhodesians and South Africans.  You may not be interested in identity politics, but identity politics is interested in you.  All of them are ganging up to purge you from your land.

You get that?  We need to integrate all the schools so that blacks can get “practice” fighting the whites.