Remember when Netflix was that humble start-up that sent you DVDs in the mail for a small monthly fee and they would run like a trillion dollars of annual net losses but didn’t care?  Well now that the big money has come into Netflix, it’s time to do what all the big-money entertainment companies do:  social engineering.

Here’s a bit of quality Netflix content for you.  How about a show about a drag queen who teaches little boys and girls how to dance like little sluts?  Nothing creepy about that at all — oh, no!  Isn’t this exactly the kind of content the American public has been asking for?

freeeak show!

Is there a pattern here?  I see a pattern here.  I see decade after decade of degeneracy being pushed into everyone’s faces by these media companies.  And since the people have their guard down, they become desensitized to it and allow themselves to conform to the newly acceptable standards.  Where are we going with these various drag queen / little children interactions that are now popping up all over the place?  What am I supposed to think is the end-goal here other than the obvious?

And how about this new show:

Pushing all of these official new-narrative stereotypes: white people are inherently racist, blacks suffer from racial injustice at the hands of the white man, white men need to check their privilege, etc. “White people bad. Everyone get that through your heads.”

Who the hell is asking for this content to be produced for consumption? Do you know anybody who wants to watch this garbage?

Doesn’t this look like social engineering?

Honestly, the country would be a lot better off if everyone just threw their televisions the hell out and spent their time on productive activities. Sometimes the brainwashing is so subconscious that you don’t even pick up on it.

Of course, the whole reason Hollywood was founded in the first place was to avoid the decency laws that were in place in New York during the early 20th century. But it seems their barrel has no bottom.