It’s not that there are no good bishops.  It’s just that the few that remain have been pushed off to the sidelines of the periphery, hardly to be heard from.  The fact that this is the case shows just how deeply Satan has infiltrated the modern world and laid down roots:  in our governments, our corporations, our churches and, sadly, even in the hearts of so many men.

But let no man later say “we didn’t see it coming”, when it is now so out in the open: we are truly facing an existential threat.

What we can now say with confidence is that “freedom of religion” — even for false religions — is nothing more than a freemasonic Trojan horse, designed to under-cut the very moral and cultural foundations of the Western world, to weaken our nations from within so that they can’t withstand the onslaught. This is a centuries-long attack from the emissaries of the devil himself.

To confront this attack, we may have to leave behind some of our more modern ideologies. We can’t bring a knife to a gunfight and have any hope of winning. And, in this case, winning is a matter of life and death for our nations.