A population expert claims that native English speakers will become a minority in Sydney in just 10 years.

Mark McCrindle, a social demographer who regularly provides advice to large companies and governments, has said that if current census trends continue native English speakers would be in the minority in the city.

‘We’re edging closer and closer to that point when more than half will speak another language and we will hit that in a little over a decade,’ Mr McCrindle said of primary languages spoken at home by Sydney families.

‘What is interesting in the five years from the previous census to the latest one, the number-one language spoken changed to Mandarin from Arabic, which is now number two,’ he said, according The Daily Telegraph.  (source)

It will be interesting to see how well the new multicultural Sydney gets along.  Historically, people have separated into countries with borders for a reason.

All throughout the West I see similar stories about halal products like the one that follows.  However, it seems that nobody is willing to make a point about the completely unsanitary conditions of halal slaughterhouses, or how the animals are not killed properly.

Why do I feel that Muslims are free to do and say all kinds of politically incorrect things and the Left will never call them out on it? Almost as if they value the Muslims for the role they play (a conquering force) while valuing political correctness for the role it plays (silencing whites and Christians from defending themselves).