The media sure was quick to jump on those Covington Catholic kids and pronounce them as terrible racists that need to be shunned from society.  The Twitter mob quickly followed, demanding their heads.  “Punch them!  Burn their school down!”  All for the horrible crime of jumping up and down with enthusiasm while singing their school song… and being white.

Why couldn’t they be more like these teens?

Now that’s the type of behavior we want to see! Those Covington Catholic kids, on the other hand, are totally out of control and must be taught a lesson!

Getting Your White Privilege Checked

However, behind the scenes, where the media refuses to shine its light, the message is getting out loud and clear: attack whitey! The white boy is weak and emasculated, and we can now attack him. The media will cover up for us!

Always in a pack, and always starting with a sucker punch.

Never will you see it covered in the media. Never. No condescending Gillette ads here to correct this kind of “toxic” behavior. The goal here is to remove whites completely from power in their own country. The media, the entertainment industry, the schools — they’re all in on the same agenda.