As you’ve probably heard by now, there is a new book coming out by former White House official and President Trump supporter Cliff Sims, and like many of these books they reveal some of the behind-the-scenes battles that were fought in the administration.

In an article over at Breitbart, there is some interesting, though unsurprising, information about former Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Shortly after Gen. Kelly took a position in the administration as the head of the Department of Homeland Security, he went on to try to publicly temper Trump’s promises on immigration, and in particular, “The Wall”. That was my first clue that this guy was positioning himself as a roadblock for the MAGA agenda.

Sims writes that when he took the Chief of Staff position, Kelly emphasized that he placed his allegiance to the country first, and the president second. Sims correctly identifies the fault with this vision: in such a position, a man serves his country by serving the president. That is the hierarchical order, and anything outside that is plain insubordination. If one believes that there is a conflict between serving a president and the country, then the honorable thing to do is resign, or not take the position to begin with. This, again, seems to indicate that Kelly saw his role as being a drag on Trump’s agenda.

If Sims is to be believed, Gen. Kelly helped thwart Trump’s attempts to remove troops from Syria — in accord with his campaign promise — for at least a year.

And this is where I get off the Kelly wagon.

Consider the irony of a man who thinks the US military should be used to “make democracy safe abroad” and “bring democracy to the Middle East” while actively working to smother democracy here at home.

Let’s recap: a large majority of Americans have wanted immigration restrictions in this country for decades. A large majority of Americans are against troop deployments in Syria — so much so that even Congress had to pass a resolution against it. Americans have voted for these policies time and time again. Where does John Kelly get off trying to prevent the will of the people from being carried out? Who, exactly, is he working for… and why are they so adamant for war?

If Assad were to be toppled, what would become of Syria’s Christians? I suspect they’d have a similar fate as Iraqi Christians after Saddam was routed.