I really feel like I pick on this guy too much.  And I understand he’s only been in Congress for a few weeks now, but he provides an important example of the warning to beware wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Here, he criticizes Sen. Rand Paul for lauding President Trump for fulfilling his campaign promise to the American people by announcing a withdrawal of troops from Syria.

In it we find that disgustingly dishonest canard about “going over there so that they don’t come here”.

Ohh really?  They don’t come over here?  Is that so?

Maybe Mr. Crenshaw can explain to us what, exactly, is going on all across the country, in places like Lewiston, Maine, where entire towns are being “conquered”, if they’re not coming over here?

The crime problems in Lewiston have gotten so bad that the people can not go out to Kennedy Park in broad daylight without being accosted by “migrant youths” wielding bats and clubs.  It culminated last year when a young (white) man was literally beaten to death by the mob of migrants, his head smashed by a brick.  This is happening in Maine, folks… not Los Angeles.  (And, for the record, there have been no arrests in the beating death, to nobody’s surprise.  The Chief of Police has sheepishly talked about the need to go out into migrant communities and build more trust.  He’s also been busy getting videos of Lewiston violence pulled from social media.)

And how do the Muslim and African migrants feel about Lewiston?  Well they will get right up and tell you at the town council meeting:  they’re here, they’re staying, they’ve “built” Lewiston and nobody is going to push them around, so deal with it:

That’s how “refugees” think of their host country.

Now, my question for Mr. Crenshaw — who was so quick to boast on Twitter when he denounced Steve King’s “white nationalism”: when the hell are you going to stand up and defend Americans… LIVING IN AMERICA? Because while you’re looking abroad in the Middle East, the barbarians have already penetrated the gates here at home.

As for Maine… well… USA Today provides this helpful pro / con summary:

I’ll bet the correlation is lost on them.