Keep that government up and running, whitey…
The media sure was quick to jump on those Covington Catholic kids and pronounce them as terrible racists that need to be shunned from society. The Twitter mob quickly followed, demanding their heads. “Punch them! Burn their school down!” All for the horrible crime of jumping up and down with enthusiasm while singing their school song… and being white.
Why couldn’t they be more like these teens?
Those wacky teens are always goofing around
— Willem Pearson (@UppityWilliamP) January 19, 2019
Now that’s the type of behavior we want to see! Those Covington Catholic kids, on the other hand, are totally out of control and must be taught a lesson!
However, behind the scenes, where the media refuses to shine its light, the message is getting out loud and clear: attack whitey! The white boy is weak and emasculated, and we can now attack him. The media will cover up for us!
Sucker punch knocks a kid's tooth out; thugs celebrate their accomplishment.
— Willem Pearson (@UppityWilliamP) January 19, 2019
Always in a pack, and always starting with a sucker punch.
Never will you see it covered in the media. Never. No condescending Gillette ads here to correct this kind of “toxic” behavior. The goal here is to remove whites completely from power in their own country. The media, the entertainment industry, the schools — they’re all in on the same agenda.
Seen at the Women’s March in NYC:
At first I thought maybe this was just a Photoshop, but here’s the video.
Now I will be waiting patiently for our righteous media to come out howling with demands that the march organizers denounce this blatant racism.
Even if they were confronted, I guarantee the organizers wouldn’t apologize or condemn their own.
Update: I still couldn’t believe that this wasn’t, perhaps, digitally manipulated, but I did find this second video. However, the interview there makes me think that this guy is undercover behind enemy lines, trying to make them look bad. Either way, the organizers failed to kick him out and denouce him.
Initially I didn’t want to say much about the Covington Catholic “MAGA kids” incident that demonstrated so much that is wrong with the country today: the horrible enemy of the American people — the Fake News — lying yet again to the public; the violent Twitter mob of leftists calling, with impunity, for the deaths of more Republicans; and the Fake political activism of a Fake Vietnam vet. But there are so many teachable moments that have come from it that we must reflect on them if we want to learn how to win.
The first thing we are reminded of is that “conservativism” is a losing mindset, and we see that immediately with all of the so-called “allies” who piled on and instantly condemned these kids for being “racist” and “reprehensible”. Of all of the terrible things the kids had to suffer from this, the fact that their own school, diocese, and the March for Life organizers threw them under the bus was the most despicable.
Let’s look at the initial statement from the March for Life organizers that was posted on Twitter (and their homepage), and then later removed:
The pro-life movement at its core is a movement of love and the reprehensible behavior shown in the video in no way represents the 46 years and millions of people who have peacefully and respectfully gathered in Washington, DC to stand up for the unborn. Nor does it represent the vast majority of the marchers present at this year’s March for Life. Such behavior is not welcome at the March for Life and never will be.
The Diocese of Covington issued a similar statement. The school administrators denounced their own kids (without even hearing their side of the story), and publicly stated that “expulsion” for one or more of the students was on the table.
Can you imagine the balls on these people?
These kids came out 500 miles in the bitter cold, sacrificing their time, money, and energy to go support their March and at the first sign of trouble the organizers threw them to the pack of wolves. Can you believe it? Why would they do that? Because “conservative” leaders are more interested in earning the human respect of their enemies than they are of WINNING. And that’s why, since the 1950s, leaders of the conservative movement have not been able to conserve anything in this country. They have no significant political victories. It has gotten so bad that, in the Obama era, conservatives were not even able to conserve same-sex bathrooms. Your little Jenny now has to share the bathroom with Mr. Butch.
And this is why today’s young kids who are right-wing don’t identify as “conservative”. They want to be called Alt-Right or they want to identify with a movement like MAGA or whatever. They instinctively see that conservativism is a naturally defensive position. All the enemy has to do is wear you out, and you lose. And the enemy has plenty of time. Can you win any boxing matches by being on defense every round? Can you win a baseball game without ever hitting the ball?
Wherever the enemy applies heat the conservative is quick to negotiate a noble surrender. Read the statement again from the March for Life. Automatically they assumed that their enemies provided accurate information, and they rushed to beg their enemies to not think so poorly of them. Did it work? Well, the responses on Twitter to that statement, from the Left, were absolutely brutal. They gave them no quarter. They trashed those pro-life people as terrible, horrible human beings. So no. It didn’t work at all. Their appeasement did not win over their enemies.
Meanwhile, they also pissed off their own supporters by showing cowardice. One Twitter poster summed it up perfectly:
Pontius Pilate caved to the mob, too, but at least he hesitated — “Why? What has this man done?” — before handing Christ over to the torturers.
Consider a simple analogy. Imagine a general out on the battlefield. And from a far distance a battalion comes to support the fight. Upon seeing the battalion of refreshed, vigorous fighters, the enemy complains, “We don’t like what that group is wearing! If you want our approval, and if you want us to see you as fighting an honorable fight, we demand you rid yourself of them!” Now what the hell kind of general would agree with that, and then send the new battalion off, alone, to be slaughtered by the enemy’s soldiers? Well that is exactly the type of leaders we have in our “conservative” movements today.
These high school kids need to come together, be unified, and make a demand: The diocese and the school administration must issue a public statement of apology. The kids must agree and demand that the administration not sanction a single student with a suspension, expulsion or anything else. If they let one kid be punished, then they must realize that it’s open season on all of them. Stick together and tell the school: if you penalize one, you have to penalize us all. Walk out if you have to. You have power if you stick together and stay organized.
Second step: every one of these Catholic high school kids on the East Coast who get sent to this March every year need to come together (on the Internet) and issue a demand: The March for Life organizers must issue a public apology and the leaders must step down. If they don’t, the students should boycott the March next year. Let’s see what their numbers look like then.
The kid in the MAGA hat who stood there, with a drum being banged in his face, saying nothing and doing nothing, was convicted on the Internet of the high felony of racism. The evidence? He was white and wearing a MAGA hat.
Meanwhile, after the full video came out, what did we learn? We learned that the commotion was primarily caused by the Black Hebrew Israelites, a group of about five black men who were using every foul and derogatory slur for both the white kids and the Native American group. Nobody in the media called them out for their racism, despite the fact that this entire event went to hysterics over the supposed great crime of racism. They were calling people crackers… faggots… pedophiles… products of incest… they dropped the n-bomb so many times you couldn’t even count it. And NOBODY on the Left called them out. Why? Because they were black. And racism is the new black privilege. The charge of “racism” is simply a tool to get white people to cower and agree to de-fang themselves before the battle.
This entire media brouhaha came down to one objective: making it less acceptable to be white in this country. It was a full-on assault on white kids.
Did you notice that with all those kids there, not one of them got hurt, despite the aggressive posture of the troublemakers? Why? Because they had numbers, and they stuck together. They stuck together because they had a common identity. And that means if you tried to take on one, you’d have to take on all of them. You don’t back-stab and turn on your people at the first sign of trouble. There’s an important political metaphor here about how to win: stick together and be organized.
One other thing of note. Those five black men that were shouting those racial slurs… how many were harmed by the crowd of hundreds of white kids? Answer: not a single one had walked away with a scratch on them. If the roles were reversed — if five middle-aged white men were shouting racial slurs to a group of black high school kids — how do you think that would have ended? And how would the media have covered it?
Learn something from these kids: never apologize to the enemy. They are not interested in receiving an apology for the sake of honor. No, they use an apology to stop your momentum and to emasculate you. It’s a tactic designed to shift all blame onto you so that they can regain the upper hand in the battle.
#CovingtonCatholic Remix – Won't Back Down Edition
— Carpe Donktum🔹 (@CarpeDonktum) January 20, 2019
A population expert claims that native English speakers will become a minority in Sydney in just 10 years.
Mark McCrindle, a social demographer who regularly provides advice to large companies and governments, has said that if current census trends continue native English speakers would be in the minority in the city.
‘We’re edging closer and closer to that point when more than half will speak another language and we will hit that in a little over a decade,’ Mr McCrindle said of primary languages spoken at home by Sydney families.
‘What is interesting in the five years from the previous census to the latest one, the number-one language spoken changed to Mandarin from Arabic, which is now number two,’ he said, according The Daily Telegraph. (source)
It will be interesting to see how well the new multicultural Sydney gets along. Historically, people have separated into countries with borders for a reason.
All throughout the West I see similar stories about halal products like the one that follows. However, it seems that nobody is willing to make a point about the completely unsanitary conditions of halal slaughterhouses, or how the animals are not killed properly.
Woolworths will make and sell its own brand of halal food due to Australia’s growing Muslim population
— Daily Mail Australia (@DailyMailAU) January 19, 2019
Why do I feel that Muslims are free to do and say all kinds of politically incorrect things and the Left will never call them out on it? Almost as if they value the Muslims for the role they play (a conquering force) while valuing political correctness for the role it plays (silencing whites and Christians from defending themselves).
The following graphic shows the number of reported rapes in Sweden from 1975 – 2018.
That’s some chart, huh? Now I wonder what’s going on here. Are native Swedes all of a sudden interested in raping their women at astonishing rates? What changed? Could it be all that new… diversity?
Rapes up over 1,600% in 40 years.
Sweden now has one of the highest rape rates in the entire world. But hey, at least they’re not racist!
The leaders of Sweden know this, and they don’t care. The media over there hardly reports the crime.
Import the third world, become the third world.
Remember when Netflix was that humble start-up that sent you DVDs in the mail for a small monthly fee and they would run like a trillion dollars of annual net losses but didn’t care? Well now that the big money has come into Netflix, it’s time to do what all the big-money entertainment companies do: social engineering.
Here’s a bit of quality Netflix content for you. How about a show about a drag queen who teaches little boys and girls how to dance like little sluts? Nothing creepy about that at all — oh, no! Isn’t this exactly the kind of content the American public has been asking for?
freeeak show!
Is there a pattern here? I see a pattern here. I see decade after decade of degeneracy being pushed into everyone’s faces by these media companies. And since the people have their guard down, they become desensitized to it and allow themselves to conform to the newly acceptable standards. Where are we going with these various drag queen / little children interactions that are now popping up all over the place? What am I supposed to think is the end-goal here other than the obvious?
And how about this new show:
Pushing all of these official new-narrative stereotypes: white people are inherently racist, blacks suffer from racial injustice at the hands of the white man, white men need to check their privilege, etc. “White people bad. Everyone get that through your heads.”
Who the hell is asking for this content to be produced for consumption? Do you know anybody who wants to watch this garbage?
Doesn’t this look like social engineering?
Honestly, the country would be a lot better off if everyone just threw their televisions the hell out and spent their time on productive activities. Sometimes the brainwashing is so subconscious that you don’t even pick up on it.
Of course, the whole reason Hollywood was founded in the first place was to avoid the decency laws that were in place in New York during the early 20th century. But it seems their barrel has no bottom.
It’s not that there are no good bishops. It’s just that the few that remain have been pushed off to the sidelines of the periphery, hardly to be heard from. The fact that this is the case shows just how deeply Satan has infiltrated the modern world and laid down roots: in our governments, our corporations, our churches and, sadly, even in the hearts of so many men.
But let no man later say “we didn’t see it coming”, when it is now so out in the open: we are truly facing an existential threat.
What we can now say with confidence is that “freedom of religion” — even for false religions — is nothing more than a freemasonic Trojan horse, designed to under-cut the very moral and cultural foundations of the Western world, to weaken our nations from within so that they can’t withstand the onslaught. This is a centuries-long attack from the emissaries of the devil himself.
To confront this attack, we may have to leave behind some of our more modern ideologies. We can’t bring a knife to a gunfight and have any hope of winning. And, in this case, winning is a matter of life and death for our nations.
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