This heart-warming story comes to us from Clark County, NV:

A student at Centennial High says a schoolhouse gang forced him to fight on camera, not once or twice, but three times.

“The kid throws my son on the floor and is stomping him all in the head,” said Sherry, the mother of one victim who did not want to be fully identified.

Sherry says the school suspended her 16-year-old son last week for a fight in the bathroom, but after looking into it she learned that the entire week he was being targeted by a gang of 15-20 black male students.

“His good friend told me they target white kids only because they feel that they’re weak,” Sherry said.

Her son who doesn’t want to be identified says, “They haven’t fought anybody that’s not white. They haven’t fought any African Americans or Mexicans. It’s all been white people.”

What a lovely school they must have.  Is the school uniform orange jumpsuits?

Here’s what’s going on, and this is happening all across the country:  they’re not just trying to show this kid up.  Now that everyone has a camera on their phone, they want to show white kids getting beaten up, and then they post it all over the Internet and brag about it.  They want to make whites look beaten and defeated.  We know what’s going on because we see it on the Internet, even if the media makes it seem like it’s uncommon.

The school says that they’re handling the matter internally and don’t publicly announce any disciplinary decisions.  Don’t parents have a right to know if these dirtbags are still in school around their kids?

At this point you’d have to be nuts to send your children to a public school.  It’s pretty clear that forced integration was a major mistake.

Now ask yourself honestly:  pretend for a moment that the roles were reversed.  Imagine 15 white kids ganging up to target a single black kid, and take video of him being beaten and post it all over the Internet to intimidate other blacks.  Do you not think CNN would be covering that 24 hours a day for a week, using it to prove “systemic racism” and trying to somehow tie it to Donald Trump?