Oi, would you like a knife in your chest mate?

Fatal stabbings have reached the highest level on record, according to new figures revealing the scale of Britain’s knife crime crisis. The number of young people killed by knives rose by nearly 50% last year amid a surge of murderous violence, Home Office analysis showed.

Victims’ campaigners said the numbers were “horrifying” and claimed parents no longer felt safe allowing their children outside after dark.

It comes as police forces across the country struggle to cope with a rising tide of violent crime. …

There were 179 white victims of fatal stabbings, nearly two thirds of the total…

I wonder what could be causing this mysterious increase?  Can you imagine that the UK government is throwing their own kids to the wolves and don’t even give a shit?  They have to keep bringing in those migrants to keep the economy afloat.

UK knife crime; graphic courtesy The Telegraph

Now here’s a Frenchman who understands precisely what is going on.  These globalists are like a swarm of locusts, devouring our countries for their own gain.