Now that the latest polar vortex has high-tailed it out of here allowing our brains to defrost for a bit, let’s take a moment to reflect on just how easy we have it these days.  A hundred or more years ago there was no advanced weather forecasting to give us a couple weeks to prepare for such life-threatening cold.  Back then they didn’t know it was coming until it hit.  And that meant, to survive such harsh conditions, they needed to be prepared well beforehand.

The truth is that the harsh climate of Europe and other northern regions of the world forces the populations to be forward-thinking.  Thousands and thousands of years of such a challenging environment is going to bias the population towards the hardiest and more intelligent members.  It’s just common sense that only the ones capable of surviving are going to make it and reproduce.  A thousand years ago you couldn’t just hop in your car and go out to McDonald’s for lunch when it was -30°F out.  They had to prepare well in advance all of their necessities to make it through the entire winter.

Contrast that to tropical climates where food is abundant on the nearest tree day in and day out and the seasons hardly every change.  Those with long time preferences — who could prepare a full season in advance — don’t present any particular advantage in that population.  So over a long period of time they’re not going to be selectively preferred.

What people call “white privilege” is actually just the privilege of being the descendants of those who suffered arduously for many, many thousands of years in harsh natural environments.  In other words, Europeans were put through the crucible… and many of their advantages are owed to the hard labors and sufferings of their ancestors, and not to some mythical evils that the haters purport.

The truth is, white people are on average the least racist people out there.  They open their countries to everybody in the world.  People come and they give them free housing, free cars, free medical care, free food… and all while being shellacked around the clock.  They send their doctors and charities and missionaries into Africa and India and Asia and all over the world to help improve lives.  Do you see anybody else doing that?