This week’s “Bad Cop, No Donut” Award goes to the Houston Police Department for pulling off yet another trainwreck fatal home invasion that is becoming all too common across America.  With a warrant in hand based on information obtained from a criminal informant, about a dozen officers — wearing plainclothes — busted into the home of a middle-aged couple who had no criminal history and immediately began firing.  First at the dog.  The woman tried to wrestle the gun away from the cop — who was wearing plainclothes — who shot the dog.  Another cop — wearing plainclothes — shot and killed her.  Meanwhile the man grabbed his revolver and somehow managed to shoot five different officers — all in plainclothes — before they shot and killed him.  (To get five officers with one revolver is pretty damn remarkable.  Perhaps the police department isn’t telling the whole story?)

They never did find that heroin they were looking for.  Maybe the police had the wrong house?  Maybe this “informant” was full of crap?

Here’s the problem with these no-knock warrants.  Let’s say you’re in your house.  Maybe you’re sleeping or whatever.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a crash as the front door is busted down.  The dog starts going crazy.  You have no idea what’s going on.  You’ve lived a crime-free life so you’re not expecting the police.  Obviously, you think your home is being invaded.  And the first thing you do is to start shooting back at those shooting at you.  These two probably never even knew that these guys in their home were police.  They likely died thinking it was a home invasion.

This couple was outright murdered.

It is a complete violation of one’s Constitutional rights to have the police just barge into one’s house and start shooting — especially for such petty crimes as drug possession.  A man’s house is his domain and the government needs to respect that.

And now the police chief (a gun grabber) and union head are complaining about the fact that people in the community are pissed about how reckless and unaccountable these no-knock warrants are.  When people’s loved ones get killed this way, what are they supposed to do… blow rainbows out their asses?

Little by little you can see the tyranny progress.