For the sake of argument, let’s say two teams participate in a certain sport and play for a championship.  A wealthy person wants to own a team and win a championship.  What would he do?  He could buy a team and try to get the best players and hope that his team, eventually, wins the championship.  Or he can just be smart and buy both teams and be done with it.

Inherent in contemporary American politics is a global power unmatched by any other nation.  In that sense, politics can be more of a tool rather than merely an exercise of ideology.  For those who recognize and want to capture that power — to exercise it for their own ends — the divisions of left vs. right or Democrat vs. Republican are not important.  These divisions are only useful in the sense that they keep the American population divided upon itself, constantly arguing and distracted in prolonged, almost meaningless election battles.  The real powerful are way above the fray… they transcend the democratic process.  They don’t care about ideology.  They care about their own interests.  They can, simply, own both Democrats and Republicans to force their intended goals.

As an example, I present Jacob Wohl, who has magically popped onto the Twitter scene as some kind of right-leaning political talking head in the Trump era.  By some amazing feat he has managed to accumulate 182,000 followers.  In his profile he describes himself as a conservative, Trump supporter, and Zionist.

Let’s take a look at this tweet:

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, the “Greater Israel Plan” is basically a newer formulation of the Yinon Plan, which includes an idea that envisions Israel dramatically expanding its land area in the Middle East, as pictured in the following graphic:

Now how can this task be accomplished?  Well, for one, you will need to destabilize nations in the region by overthrowing their powerful governors — e.g., in Iraq and Syria — and watch as the national governments fall to pieces, allowing the total anarchy of disparate terrorist groups to reign.  You would also want to de-populate these countries through massive migration into, let’s say, Europe.

Does it sound ridiculous?  Well consider this video where Gen. Wesley Clark details a conversation he had after the September 11th attacks:

Consider also that the US Senate just voted by a large margin to force the President to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan.  This Senate, which can not figure out how to fix the health care affordability problems in this country, despite the strong desire of the American public, and which can not come together and agree on how to fix our disastrous immigration problems, again, despite the strong desire of the American public, can somehow, surprisingly, come together and agree on that very thing that Americans have said repeatedly that they DO NOT want:  our continued military action in the Middle East.  Why?  We’re an energy-independent nation now.  What is the point?  And now we hear more and more saber-rattling about regime change in Iran.  Doesn’t Iran have every reason to want to build a strong military defense? Why is the US Congress so resistant to giving Americans what they want in this area?

Fast-forward to today where kooky Rep. Ilhan Omar managed to say something accurate for a change, and was scolded for it.  She simply acknowledged that AIPAC — the Israeli lobbying group — has far too much power in Congress.  She was chided for showing a strain of “anti-Semitism” and was forced to apologize.  But the question we should ask is:  why do we tolerate ANY foreign country lobbying our elected officials?  Would we allow Japan or Spain or China to have an open and powerful lobbying group in Washington directing our foreign policy? And what policy is AIPAC “buying” with their money?  They say that it’s okay because Israel is our “Greatest Ally”.  Israel did not have a single boot on the ground in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Even the Netherlands and Australia had soldiers dying in Iraq.  Israel sent nobody to help.  That’s an ally?

So back to politics.  Isn’t it obvious that certain people are pushed on both the “left” and the “right” to gain trust from us average folks, but then guide us to… well… to put Israel first, of course!  I mean, if both sides accept it, and there’s no disagreement… it must be right!

Just what the hell is going on here?

Prediction: unless President Trump can keep Jared and his goons away, our military will not be withdrawing from the Middle East. And we could very well be seeing “regime change” in Iran in the future.

Europe: Get ready for more refugees.