Anytime you hear talk of Democrats and Republicans coming together with a bipartisan bill, you can be sure of one thing: Americans are about to get hosed.

The pro-mass immigration Koch brothers’ network of billionaire, donor class organizations is backing a Republican-Democrat coalition that would allow for the swift outsourcing of middle-class American jobs to mostly Indian nationals.

A plan known as the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act introduced in the Senate by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), as well as Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), would eliminate the U.S. country caps in the legal immigration system that would fast track outsourcing of white-collar American jobs to mostly Indian and Chinese nationals imported to the country by businesses, outsourcing firms, and multinational corporations.

Translation:  Jobs that tend to be most affected by Indian recipients of H-1B visas are about to get hit even harder with this new bill.  Aren’t you glad that Congress is busy at work making your employment prospects as limited as possible?  And you thought they weren’t doing anything?  As if it wasn’t enough of a crime to hollow our the lower- and middle-income families by bringing in labor from south of the border, they want to eliminate Americans’ opportunity for higher-paying, white-collar jobs as well.

Is it no wonder that young people are so rapidly turning to socialism?  They are living a system that simply does not work for them.  They drop $100,000 for a college degree and the best they can do is make ten bucks an hour as a barista at Starbucks.  If you’re a millennial or Gen Z, you can forget about having a family these days or owning a nice home.  And all of this because the billionaire Koch brothers aren’t happy enough with their billions so they have to bribe the traitors in Congress to depress wages even more.  We graduate more Computer Science students every year than we have new job openings.  So why do we need to bring in these people from India?  It’s a simple equation:  they want to lay off their existing employees and replace them with cheaper labor simply so they can clear more profit.  They do not care about their fellow Americans.  There is no way you can have this kind of economic stratification that we see today without socialism taking roots in people’s hearts.  Consider this:  if these billionaires are destroying America by eliminating job opportunities for Americans, why shouldn’t Americans seek to destroy them right back?

In his State of the Union speech, President Trump said that “America will never be a socialist country.”  He also said, “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.”  These two statements are a contradiction.  If President Trump does not build that wall and remove those here illegally and END legal immigration, America WILL BE a socialist country in less than a decade.  It is inevitable.  Because, for one, everybody that comes up from Central and South America ARE socialists.  And they don’t change their world philosophy just because they walk on United States dirt.  And two, because the more that you replace Americans’ job prospects with opportunities for “legal immigrants” — just to please the billionaire Koch brothers and the Chamber of Commerce lobbyists — the more you move these kids to demand socialism simply as a means of survival.  Those inclined to the political left will go to communist socialism.  Those inclined to the right will demand national socialism.

Recall a simple fact:  Americans do not want this bill.  They have never voted for this immigration system.  By a large margin they want immigration restrictions.  So how’s that democracy working out for us?