People are so distraught with the state of their government that they’re wondering if civil war is inevitable.  And it might be.  But before such a drastic step is taken, all peaceful means must first be exhausted.  And there are still a couple of peaceful avenues that remain.  But they require that we put aside our divisions and get organized and take action in an organized fashion.

In his State of the Union address, President Trump devoted 20 minutes to talk about the supposed anti-semitism problem that’s roiling the country.  Other than some hoaxes here and there, there is generally not a problem that I see.  In fact, Jews enjoy some of the greatest privileges in the country, all while using the media bullhorn to grind their axes against whites.  Their privilege is so great that they can’t even be criticized.

On the other hand, I heard that Trump devoted exactly 0 minutes talking about the widespread epidemic of anti-white racism and hatred that has taken ahold of practically every major institution — not just in America, but worldwide.

Trump bragged about the record-low unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics.

Consider that 90% of Jews and 90% of African Americans voted against Trump, and 75% of Hispanics voted against Trump.  The only demographic bloc that delivered Trump his victory is the very one he routinely ignores:  whites.  Whites are also the group that refuse to stick together to protect their own interests.  Blacks and Jews always vote with their tribe, and they almost always defend their own.  As the saying goes, “My tribe, right or wrong.”

White interests have been pushed out of positions of power in the media, in the universities, in the entertainment industry, and even in politics.  Could you imagine if whites tried to create a lobby as powerful as AIPAC?  It would simply never even be allowed.  The only remaining clout that whites have is also the biggest:  they make the broadest part of the working and tax-paying population.  (However, “the powers that be” are working hard, as we speak, to remove even that last remaining bit of power — by displacing white Americans from their jobs with “legal” immigrants.)

If the working class would organize a large-scale work and / or tax strike, things would change in a hurry.  First of all, blacks love to target whites as their oppressors and as the sole source of their misery.  If whites stopped paying taxes today, the food stamps would end tomorrow.  Then we can finally see some damn appreciation for our labors.  If whites stopped working today, the markets would collapse, the banking industry would freeze up, and your flush toilets would stop working.  If whites would organize and put aside their stupid differences and begin to make serious threats of work stoppages, we could regain control of the system.

Look at what the Yellow Vests are doing in France.  That kind of organization is necessary to be noticed.