Israel is a quasi-apartheid ethnostate. In some sense, there’s nothing really wrong with that. That’s exactly how the United States was founded. It’s in the Constitution. Many Arabs (Palestinians) live in occupied territory and can not vote in elections. Jews don’t want this because if the Arabs could vote, they could, because of their size, overwhelm the vote and gain control of the country.

I understand completely.

But why can’t Americans have the same courtesy? If Americans want to restrict immigration because it’s fundamentally changing the character of the nation and resulting in voting patterns that are against the interests of the people, this is swiftly denounced 424-1 as “white nationalism”.

How come Israel is allowed to be an ethnostate but the US isn’t? Why aren’t Belgium and Ireland and Sweden and all the other European countries allowed to be ethnostates? We are told that these countries must not be racist and must open their borders and accept the entire world.

Why is apartheid okay in Israel but not in South Africa? Look at what has happened in South Africa: the people who founded the country are now being driven right out of it.

It really makes you wonder who owns the US Congress.