Consider the wit of Chesterton:

Which is the worse pestilence?  The rapist, or the one who invites the rapist into your home?

Folks, I wish this was a rare story coming from Europe but unfortunately it’s not.  When you indiscriminately openly your borders for the third-world to pour in unvetted, this sort of thing becomes all to common:

A 22-year-old Syrian man accused of being the instigator of a brutal gang rape of an 18-year-old German woman will appear in a juvenile court, despite his age.

Majd H. allegedly orchestrated the brutal four-hour gang rape of the teenager, which took place after he allegedly drugged her in a nightclub in Freiburg, south-west Germany on October 14 last year.

German police believe Majd H. raped the woman outside the club, before calling ‘at least nine’ of his friends, aged between 19 and 30, who then took turns in sexually assaulting her.  …

At the time of the sexual assault of the 18-year-old, Majd H. had an arrest warrant against him for a drugs offence, and was supposed to be arrested on the 23rd October. …

One of the other crimes which Majd H. is charged with is the alleged rape of a 19-year-old girl in September 2017 in his flat in Freiburg.

According to prosecutors, the 19-year-old was also raped by two other Syrian men aged 22 and 23. The latter allegedly also took part in the gang rape of the 18-year-old outside the night club.

Can you believe that the Germans of all people are tolerating this bullshit?  What the hell happened to them?  Their own girls are being gang-raped by “refugees” for whom their government makes accommodations.  And the same government thinks a juvenile court is fitting here?  I expect the rapists here will be getting a slap on the wrist, which is a common trend for migrants in Europe now.

What the hell is going on here?  Our countries are run by people who almost seem to get a thrill out of our subjugation.  No legitimate authority would ever tolerate this kind of violence from guests or invite it to their land.

According to local news reports, Majd H. came to Germany in 2014, and is believed to have had links to the YPG – a Kurdish militia which has been involved in fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

What do you expect to  happen when you just open your borders to everyone?

Would you let this guy into your country?