Hillary Clinton – Ending Systemic Racism pic.twitter.com/pQCc83fCyH
— Willem Pearson (@UppityWilliamP) February 9, 2019
Hillary Clinton – Ending Systemic Racism pic.twitter.com/pQCc83fCyH
— Willem Pearson (@UppityWilliamP) February 9, 2019
This week’s “Bad Cop, No Donut” Award goes to the Houston Police Department for pulling off yet another trainwreck fatal home invasion that is becoming all too common across America. With a warrant in hand based on information obtained from a criminal informant, about a dozen officers — wearing plainclothes — busted into the home of a middle-aged couple who had no criminal history and immediately began firing. First at the dog. The woman tried to wrestle the gun away from the cop — who was wearing plainclothes — who shot the dog. Another cop — wearing plainclothes — shot and killed her. Meanwhile the man grabbed his revolver and somehow managed to shoot five different officers — all in plainclothes — before they shot and killed him. (To get five officers with one revolver is pretty damn remarkable. Perhaps the police department isn’t telling the whole story?)
They never did find that heroin they were looking for. Maybe the police had the wrong house? Maybe this “informant” was full of crap?
Here’s the problem with these no-knock warrants. Let’s say you’re in your house. Maybe you’re sleeping or whatever. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a crash as the front door is busted down. The dog starts going crazy. You have no idea what’s going on. You’ve lived a crime-free life so you’re not expecting the police. Obviously, you think your home is being invaded. And the first thing you do is to start shooting back at those shooting at you. These two probably never even knew that these guys in their home were police. They likely died thinking it was a home invasion.
This couple was outright murdered.
It is a complete violation of one’s Constitutional rights to have the police just barge into one’s house and start shooting — especially for such petty crimes as drug possession. A man’s house is his domain and the government needs to respect that.
And now the police chief (a gun grabber) and union head are complaining about the fact that people in the community are pissed about how reckless and unaccountable these no-knock warrants are. When people’s loved ones get killed this way, what are they supposed to do… blow rainbows out their asses?
Little by little you can see the tyranny progress.
Oi, would you like a knife in your chest mate?
Fatal stabbings have reached the highest level on record, according to new figures revealing the scale of Britain’s knife crime crisis. The number of young people killed by knives rose by nearly 50% last year amid a surge of murderous violence, Home Office analysis showed.
Victims’ campaigners said the numbers were “horrifying” and claimed parents no longer felt safe allowing their children outside after dark.
It comes as police forces across the country struggle to cope with a rising tide of violent crime. …
There were 179 white victims of fatal stabbings, nearly two thirds of the total…
I wonder what could be causing this mysterious increase? Can you imagine that the UK government is throwing their own kids to the wolves and don’t even give a shit? They have to keep bringing in those migrants to keep the economy afloat.
UK knife crime; graphic courtesy The Telegraph
Now here’s a Frenchman who understands precisely what is going on. These globalists are like a swarm of locusts, devouring our countries for their own gain.
Now that the latest polar vortex has high-tailed it out of here allowing our brains to defrost for a bit, let’s take a moment to reflect on just how easy we have it these days. A hundred or more years ago there was no advanced weather forecasting to give us a couple weeks to prepare for such life-threatening cold. Back then they didn’t know it was coming until it hit. And that meant, to survive such harsh conditions, they needed to be prepared well beforehand.
The truth is that the harsh climate of Europe and other northern regions of the world forces the populations to be forward-thinking. Thousands and thousands of years of such a challenging environment is going to bias the population towards the hardiest and more intelligent members. It’s just common sense that only the ones capable of surviving are going to make it and reproduce. A thousand years ago you couldn’t just hop in your car and go out to McDonald’s for lunch when it was -30°F out. They had to prepare well in advance all of their necessities to make it through the entire winter.
Contrast that to tropical climates where food is abundant on the nearest tree day in and day out and the seasons hardly every change. Those with long time preferences — who could prepare a full season in advance — don’t present any particular advantage in that population. So over a long period of time they’re not going to be selectively preferred.
What people call “white privilege” is actually just the privilege of being the descendants of those who suffered arduously for many, many thousands of years in harsh natural environments. In other words, Europeans were put through the crucible… and many of their advantages are owed to the hard labors and sufferings of their ancestors, and not to some mythical evils that the haters purport.
The truth is, white people are on average the least racist people out there. They open their countries to everybody in the world. People come and they give them free housing, free cars, free medical care, free food… and all while being shellacked around the clock. They send their doctors and charities and missionaries into Africa and India and Asia and all over the world to help improve lives. Do you see anybody else doing that?
Leaders today:
Leaders yesterday:
“It doesn’t apply to military or law enforcement…” Why the hell am I not surprised? In a sane world this woman would be making sandwiches, not policy.
As if not to be out-done, Germany shows America just how bad things can get in schools when they’re overrun with third-world thugs with no impulse control. But unlike America, Germany prohibits home-schooling, so parents will have to send their kids into these fighting camps.
The media and administrators there, much like here, of course downplay it and want to keep everything under wraps. But with the Internet, how long can they get away with that?
Germany (and the Netherlands) have major problems with Turkish and Albanian Muslims.
And for some context as to what is going on and who is doing it:
And to think that Angela Merkel shows more concern about the safety of immigrants coming in than protecting the children of her own nation.
White people better wake up and figure out what the hell is going on and start fighting back.
Germany used to have a leader with a certain mustache that wouldn’t tolerate this bullshit.
This heart-warming story comes to us from Clark County, NV:
A student at Centennial High says a schoolhouse gang forced him to fight on camera, not once or twice, but three times.
“The kid throws my son on the floor and is stomping him all in the head,” said Sherry, the mother of one victim who did not want to be fully identified.
Sherry says the school suspended her 16-year-old son last week for a fight in the bathroom, but after looking into it she learned that the entire week he was being targeted by a gang of 15-20 black male students.
“His good friend told me they target white kids only because they feel that they’re weak,” Sherry said.
Her son who doesn’t want to be identified says, “They haven’t fought anybody that’s not white. They haven’t fought any African Americans or Mexicans. It’s all been white people.”
What a lovely school they must have. Is the school uniform orange jumpsuits?
Here’s what’s going on, and this is happening all across the country: they’re not just trying to show this kid up. Now that everyone has a camera on their phone, they want to show white kids getting beaten up, and then they post it all over the Internet and brag about it. They want to make whites look beaten and defeated. We know what’s going on because we see it on the Internet, even if the media makes it seem like it’s uncommon.
The school says that they’re handling the matter internally and don’t publicly announce any disciplinary decisions. Don’t parents have a right to know if these dirtbags are still in school around their kids?
At this point you’d have to be nuts to send your children to a public school. It’s pretty clear that forced integration was a major mistake.
Now ask yourself honestly: pretend for a moment that the roles were reversed. Imagine 15 white kids ganging up to target a single black kid, and take video of him being beaten and post it all over the Internet to intimidate other blacks. Do you not think CNN would be covering that 24 hours a day for a week, using it to prove “systemic racism” and trying to somehow tie it to Donald Trump?
Do you enjoy drinking water? If so, thank a white person today!
Data courtesy Centers for Disease Control
Forty days have passed since Christmas Day, and that means it is the last day of Christmastide. Which means that there’s no better way to celebrate than listening to Christmas carols for one last time until next year.
In modern times it has become common to criticize “triumphalism”. (Wikipedia definition: Triumphalism is the attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, religion, culture, or social system is superior to and should triumph over all others.) Yeah, well… heck with that. Call me a triumphalist. I think we should scream from the rooftops the superiority of Christian culture, and frequently exhibit its past greatness, and make it present again today. What is there to be ashamed of?
It’s been said — correctly — that the pipe organ is the second-greatest musical instrument, second only to the human voice. The pipe organ is another one of Europe’s great artistic achievements, and when employed with vigor, lifts our souls with a sense of joy and victory that is truly proper for the Christian. When your feet feel the vibrations in the floor, you know you’re dealing with serious business.
So enjoy some nice pipe organ to close out the season:
Westminster Abbey’s stunning Gothic architecture reminds us of the importance of aesthetics in worship and culture. The first church was built here in the 7th century, and this particular building dates back to the 13th century. This was back when our ancestors believed that building grand, beautiful churches took precedence over building multi-million dollar sports stadiums. The church was originally a Catholic church — as all were back in that time — and became an Anglican church after King Henry VIII completely lost his mind and stole it. Perhaps some day it will be restored for its proper use.
Looks like a tough break for a McDonald’s patron in London:
McDonald’s diners “ran for their lives” after a machete-wielding man ‘slashed a customer across the face’ in Sheffield this morning.
The victim, a 47-year-old man, was pictured emerging from the restaurant with a bloodied bandage around his head after he was ‘slashed across the face’.
A 21-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder following the attack. (source)
You’ll probably be shocked — SHOCKED — to learn that the “machete-wielding man” is not exactly… how do I put this… of Northern European heritage.
When you bring a whole bunch of young, fighting-age men FROM A WAR ZONE and drop them into your civilized country, you can kind of predict things like this are going to happen. And surely those who run Britain know to expect this? Is it perhaps that they don’t care? Or maybe these consequences are intended to terrorize the people into submission?
So you tell me, is this the kind of country you want to raise your kids in? Where you can’t even take them to McDonald’s for lunch without the risk of having your face opened up with a MACHETE?
We’ve been told that “diversity is our strength”. Seems to me that nobody talks about the costs.
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