Month: March 2019 (page 1 of 4)

Shouting Fire

According to this poll taken after the Department of Justice released a synopsis of Mueller’s investigation, 48% of Americans surveyed still believe that Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. Only 49% don’t think President Trump should be impeached.

What can we conclude from this clear example of public insanity?

It proves that the media — in today’s unified form — have such extraordinary influence over public opinion that they successfully foisted a complete hoax upon a great part of the American people to the detriment of our country. This leads to two important questions that we need to consider going forward.

First, can we have any kind of “democratic” form of government when the people that are voting are so greatly misinformed that they are placing their votes based on false information, lies, and ignorance? How does that system work, exactly? The problem with universal suffrage is that we don’t have universal high intelligence and universal highly-informed knowledge. What we really have is a lot of ignorance out there and a lot of people who allow themselves to be manipulated by a relative handful of cretins in the media and entertainment industries. People want the right to vote but they don’t want to take the responsibility to inform themselves. (And the lower the average IQ of the United States becomes — and believe me, it’s dropping rapidly due to immigration — the more this weakness will be exploited.)

Second, this two-year episode makes it clear that all sane-minded people need to come together and demand that our legislators implement common sense media control. Just as we all know that the Second Amendment doesn’t allow any random individual to have a nuclear weapon in his basement, likewise the First Amendment is not a carte blanche for media companies to destroy the nation with a coordinated campaign designed to misinform the public. The intention of the First Amendment is to allow for the free exchange of ideas and information with the purpose of informing each other with the truth for the end goal of promoting the common good. Lying for two years about a Russian collusion hoax is nothing more than shouting fire in a crowded theater but on a grand scale.

There has to be real accountability here. And if the government isn’t going to take legal action, then the American people should resort to turning off their televisions and canceling their cable and newspaper subscriptions. Let these lying scoundrels lose their jobs and live in a cardboard box where their cancerous malice can be contained.

That’s an Interesting Poll Result

I guess this didn’t quite turn out as expected:

This is pretty scary. Can you believe THAT many people voted for John McCain???

Illegal Immigration on Steroids

Where is the President?

So, what do you think? Does voting mean anything? Does anybody really believe in democratic institutions any more?

How many people have gone into the voting booth year after year and voted to transform the United States into Honduras? How many people voted for that? Was that ever on the ballot?

They come, drop an anchor baby ($25,000 for hospital delivery — and you pay for that), and 18 years later that’s another Democrat voter.

Say goodbye to your country… and all because a President was too afraid to be called racist, and his supporters were too weak to hold his feet to the fire.

A Model Refugee

An example of the type of people our leaders are bringing into our nations:

Hungarian authorities detained a Syrian man on Friday accused of taking part in beheadings in Syria as a member of Islamic State, Budapest prosecutors and the European judicial co-operation agency Eurojust said.

The 27-year-old man, identified by Hungarian authorities as F. Hassan, is suspected of executing about 20 people in 2016, all family members of a person in Homs city who refused to join Islamic State, Hungarian prosecutors said.

The suspect had refugee status in Greece, it said.

Wow, what kind of a racist would be against bringing somebody like that into his country?

These “refugees” are being brought in without any serious vetting at all, and especially since so many are coming from countries where there is no way to do proper vetting.  And then Western people are surprised when rapes and murders and knifings are on the rise?

The conspiratorial side of me wonders if the authorities are bringing these people in as a conquering force to keep the native people in check from any potential uprisings.  Why do our governments not care that ISIS fighters are coming through unfiltered?


A Crisis of Credibility

Consider for a moment that this ex-communist used to be the head of the CIA, and then ask yourself: How can Americans have faith in their political and media institutions anymore?

Gut check: After all of this hysteria, are we going to be more or less inclined to trust the honesty of our alphabet soup agencies in matters of national security and foreign affairs?

Another Round on the Way

In what has now become an endless joke, there is yet another caravan of thousands of “migrants” on the way from Central America:

And what is Mr. National Emergency doing about it? He’s busy playing golf, of course.

Why is he not calling up the Mexican president and demanding that the country stop providing travel for these invaders? These people aren’t simply walking thousands of miles. Why hasn’t he closed the border? Last year the Supreme Court ruled that the president — alone — has the constitutional authority to prevent ANY foreign alien from entering this country for ANY reason at all and using ANY means available and, if they do enter, he has the authority to deport them immediately. What is going on here? Doesn’t it seem like we’ve been had by a big con-artist?

They’re not even bothering to patrol border checkpoints anymore:

What is the excuse here? Why is the president failing to act?

Not that Trump’s been away from his desk completely. After all, he did just sign an order recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Remember that campaign promise that helps Make America Great Again? The Golan Heights? Remember when he talked about that at EVERY rally for EVERY day of the campaign? Yeah, me neither.

Seriously… what the hell is going on here? Who controls our government? Unless I’m blind, it’s definitely not the American people.

America Deserves an Honest Press

I’m wondering when these people will apologize to Americans for dragging their country through the mud for two years? I won’t be holding my breath.

Don’t Be a Bugman

Luke Smith talks about the phenomenon of being a “bugman”, which has become more common in young folks today who have taken the cultural Marxist idea of “rebellion” to its ultimate end:  where people are rejecting the traditions of their families to the point of completely ejecting themselves from tribal identity altogether, and embracing a superficially mundane and individual identity that ultimately destroys social cohesion.

You also see this pattern in businesses, churches, and sports that are quick to reject their traditions on the belief that embracing something new is always better.

Or consider this analogy:  If you want a really good lasagna, what is the best way to prepare it?  Using the long-standing, tried-and-true family recipe that has been handed down for generations?  Or sitting down with your books and researching the best way to mix the scientifically-correct proportion of ingredients?  Call me old-fashioned but I think I’ll take mom’s lasagna every time.

“Even if you don’t understand why they make sense, sometimes they do.”

The portion from 6:35 – 7:50 is probably the perfect explanation for why the old, Traditional Latin Mass is preferable to the New Mass.  The former was handed down and perfected for 1,900 years whereas the latter was drawn up in a “clean room” by a handful of “scholars” who didn’t know anything about the things they changed.


Lent: A Time for Prayer

We are creatures of habit — both good and bad habits.  And with a decent effort we can establish new habits.  Science tells us that it takes about two months of repetition to cement a good habit or uproot a bad habit.  As it turns out, Lent is a period that lasts just long enough to form good habits.  But what’s better is that in Lent we receive special graces to make our efforts more fruitful, and we should avail ourselves of these graces.

To that end, one of the best habits we can fortify is spending some time in prayer.  And prayer is like any other pursuit — you have to put out the effort to make it happen; it’s not something that’s going to happen by accident.  Just like you have to carve out and schedule time to exercise or do the laundry or anything else, you just have to make the time.

Setting aside a half-hour every Friday to meditate on the events of Our Lord’s Passion and Death is a great starting point for forming a habit of prayer.  For never has it been known that a person has regretted a single moment spent contemplating Our Lord’s suffering.

Perhaps some setup for meditation is required.

Recall that in all of the ancient religions the idea of sacrifice is pertinent.  There is an innate understanding that man has failings, and some form of sacrifice is required to make justice to the gods.  In the Old Testament, the Jews would often offer sacrifices of oxen and lambs, and animal sacrifices were common in other religions as well.

But since God is infinite, even the smallest sin is an infinite offense against Him, and no sacrifice that man can offer can bridge the gap of this infiniteness.  And so, in God’s plan to meet what we lack, He decided to offer Himself up as the sacrifice to make justice.  He did this by assuming a human nature, joining the Divine nature with a human nature in a single person — the Second Person of the Trinity.  The Son of God, in the form of the God-man, would offer Himself to the Father as both priest and victim, for the salvation of the human race.

Consider, then, with great pity the suffering and humiliation Our Lord willingly endured for us:

  • How he was betrayed by one of his very own friends to be handed over to the chief priests.  And how all of his disciples scattered and left him alone, save St. John, who stayed by his side to the end.
  • How Pilate, acting as the competent authority to judge on behalf of the State, proclaimed to the crowd:  “I find no cause in this man,” only to have the mob shout “Crucify him!”  And Pilate, in fear, pleaded with them, “Why?  What evil has this man done?”  But the mob only became more violent. “And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it.”  And so even though the State decreed Our Lord innocent, he was put to death simply to satisfy the mob.
  • How he was scourged relentlessly until he was covered in blood.
  • How the soldiers wove a crown of thorns and placed it on his head to mock him — laughing at his humiliation.  Imagine, the Great Majesty that created the entire universe being mocked in such a way.
  • How he was pressed to carry his heavy cross, and fell along the way under the weight of it.
  • How, on the same way, he met his dear mother and saw the heartbroken look on her face.
  • How his garments were torn off with such violence that the flesh stuck upon from the dried blood came off with it.
  • And how finally he was nailed and lifted up on the cross, to hang there for three hours in agony.  (Now, the Romans at the time were highly intelligent people and actually went about devising the most tortuous way to die, and came up with crucifixion.)  The weight of his body pulled down on the nail holes in the hands.  As his body would tire and slump down, air would be blocked through the throat, and he would have to press down on his feet to push his body up to get air, and in turn the nails in the feet would re-open the wounds.  It was three hours of pure agony, bleeding out until his life was finally extinguished.

And his mother was there to watch every moment of it.

Why did he do it?

Because it was necessary for our salvation.  And all of the humiliation, suffering, and dying agony that he endured, when put in the balance, did not weigh more than his love for us.  That is why it is said that he would do it again as many times necessary, even if you or I were the only persons in the world.

And it is true that God could have redeemed us and made justice in any manner, but this is the method he chose.  And even shedding a single drop of blood from a scrape would have been sufficient, but he willed to go all the way so that no person can doubt how much he loves us.  He offered himself over totally.

Surely contemplating these pitiable events of Our Lord’s Passion are most salutary for the soul.  For who could not be stirred with great sentiments of gratitude and love at the thought of God’s great love for us?

This is the true purpose of Lent.

O Sacred Head Surrounded

Tune: Passion Chorale, Hans L. Hassler (d. 1612) / Johann S. Bach (d. 1750)
Text: Salve caput cruentatum, St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153)

O Sacred Head surrounded
By crown of piercing thorn!
O bleeding Head so wounded,
Reviled and put to scorn!
Death’s pallid hue comes o’er Thee,
The glow of life decays,
Yet angel hosts adore Thee,
And tremble as they gaze.

I see Thy strength and vigor
all fading in the strife,
and death with cruel rigor,
bereaving Thee of life;
O agony and dying!
O love to sinners free!
Jesus, all grace supplying,
O turn Thy face on me.

In this, Thy bitter passion,
Good Shepherd, think of me,
With Thy most sweet compassion,
Unworthy though I be:
Beneath Thy cross abiding,
Forever would I rest;
In Thy dear love confiding,
And with Thy presence blest.

What language shall I borrow
to thank thee, dearest Friend,
for this, Thy dying sorrow,
Thy mercy without end?
Lord, make me Thine forever:
Thy servant let me be;
And let me never, never
outlive my love to Thee.


Sometimes it’s easier to live in denial but the effects can’t be escaped long-term.

After the shooting in a mosque in New Zealand, we see many efforts in the country to show solidarity with the Muslim community. But for members of Islam — a militant religion that conquers every where it goes — these efforts will be perceived as signs of weakness and signs that Islam is getting the upper hand. Consider that Muslim Friday prayers were broadcast on nationwide television as New Zealanders bent over backwards to virtue signal their support for the conquerors.

Police officers and even the Prime Minister herself have taken the hijab to show “respect” for Islam. Can’t they see this is perceived as a sign of submission? Or perhaps there is a subconscious desire on their part to submit to the forces of Islam?

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

In general, it is preferable that women not be police officers or heads of state or governors or the like. Women have, as part of their feminine perfections, a natural inclination towards submission. And when invading forces are afoot, that inclination can be disastrous for a country.

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