It seems it doesn’t matter where you go in the world: where there’s blacks, there’s trouble.

And Chicago has a lot of blacks.

A recurring theme seems to be mob assaults on the CTA Red Line subway trains. Here’s the latest group of “teens” contributing to society:

This is just the latest in a recurring problem. Last year, on several occasions, there have been many Chicago-area stores vandalized and trashed by roving mobs of “teens”. A similar assault occurred against a Chinese man and his girlfriend before New Years.  The man suffered a fractured eye socket. Why is this happening? Can a Chinese man be blamed for the “racial injustices” of America’s past?  Or could that just be a bullshit excuse to do violence?

Of course, the Chicago police are useless to do anything about these mobs. In fact the Superintendent is on record saying that it’s just “kids doing goofy things”. How do you see it: Is the government going to protect you?

How about our media? Do they make an issue of the epidemic of black-on-white violence that’s occurring out there? Have they talked about the Knockout Game? Why are they not covering the extraordinary amount of completely unprovoked hate crimes that are happening against whites? Why aren’t these criminals being charged with hate crimes? Is it okay when whites are the victims? The mainstream media will go to great lengths to talk about any of the various hate hoaxes out there. Day after day after day they whip up the hysteria over these hoaxes. But when are they going to focus on the black-on-white crimes?  With whom does the racism lie in this country? And why is our criminal justice system so futile at addressing this problem?  What is the long-term solution here?  What value do these people bring to the country?

Folks, a bit of advice: Stay far away from these people. Especially when you see them grouped in three or more.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or you’re elderly — they are incapable of empathy.  And if you have kids in school, get them the hell out of there. Why take the risk?

And yes, I have checked the following statistics. They are accurate.