Not satisfied with removing statues of Confederate generals and soldiers, they’ve now moved on to removing statues of actual presidents.  Don’t be fooled — this is simply yet another anti-white attack disguised as political correctness.  Go back to the 19th century and try to find me any group that was more moral than white folks.  Good luck!

After years of contentious debate, an act of vandalism and a public vote, President William McKinley has lost his home at the center of Arcata Plaza in Humboldt County.

McKinley’s expansionist policies are now widely viewed as racist toward indigenous people. During his presidential tenure at the turn of the century, McKinley annexed tribal lands in the western U.S. and Hawaii in the name of Manifest Destiny.

A public vote on a measure to protect the state was voted down in Nov. 2018, allowing the city council to move forward with removal plans. The city confirmed that the statue is now gone via press release Thursday. Social media images captured the removal process.

They’re erasing you from history, white man.  No history, no future. They hate you and want you gone. They’re not motivated by justice, but rather by hate born from envy.