I’ve taken an interest over the past couple of years of reading the various forums and social media sites to get an idea of which way the political winds are blowing, and I have to say that in the past six months or so I’m seeing a lot of frustration with President Trump’s lack of action.  And, perhaps more aggravating is the fact that he continues to surround himself with anti-MAGA people in the White House resulting in an anti-MAGA agenda.  While I do think that there will always be a core group of Trump supporters who will stay with him through thick and thin, I do predict that as time goes on his shine will wear off as patience runs thin.

Consider this outright lie he told at CPAC:

There is no way to spin this as anything other than him trying to betray his base by catering to the agenda of the Chamber of Commerce and hoping that his supporters will follow him. (And, based on the cheers, to some degree I suspect this tactic will work.)

There are a couple of problems here. First, the economy is not doing as well as he repeatedly says. It is moving at about the same pace as Obama’s final years, and the numbers are not that impressive. In fact, we know the official unemployment numbers are bogus. They were bogus under the Obama years, and they are now. They don’t take into account those who have given up looking for work, or those who are underemployed. The truth is that Americans are having a hard time finding work out of college and wages are stagnant for non-Hispanics.

Second, can you imagine the balls on this guy to say that we’re going to open new factories in this country and go find immigrants abroad to fill those jobs? What about putting Americans first? Are Americans allowed to be employed?

Then you have the reports that illegal immigration through the Southern border is reaching all-time highs. The DHS has just extended a “temporary” amnesty for 300,000 foreign nationals. The President is calling for an increase in “legal” immigration. What the hell is going on here? Catch and release has now been put on steroids:

They’re being put on planes and launched into communities all across the nation. This isn’t under Obama — this is Trump.

During the campaign, Trump tapped into the anger of the American people over the immigration issue and now he thinks it’s wise to laugh in our faces and pivot to a pro-immigration agenda to satisfy the establishment globalists?

In Wisconsin, the governor has announced that illegal immigrants will be getting ID cards so that their presence can be legitimized by the government:

What good are Voter ID laws if the government issues IDs to illegal immigrants? And notice how the governor admits that a purpose of allowing these illegals is to “strengthen our economy” (read: push Americans out of jobs and suppress wages).

Sen. Rand Paul has said that he will vote against Trump’s national emergency declaration but made a proposal to tax every legal immigrant $2,500 on entry to help fund the border wall. How stupid does he think we are to believe that Congress would ever pass such legislation? The fact that Congress refuses to fund the border wall in the first place is why Trump signed a national emergency. All he is doing is agitating the American people all the more.

As time goes on, Americans are not going to become more enamored with immigration. The problems that mass immigration brings are only going to get worse and worse. And Americans are only going to get angrier and angrier and angrier with their government until…