To give an idea of just how little representation whites have in their own country, consider the bizarre case of uppity Muslim House Representative Ilhan Omar criticizing dual loyalty in the US Congress and the Congress responding by passing a resolution condemning white supremacy:

Whereas white supremacists in the United States have exploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponized hate for political gain, targeting traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others with verbal attacks, incitement, and violence.

In that long list of “victims that need to be defended from acts of bigotry”, do you happen to notice which group was excluded?

On the one hand, I must give the Democrats credit.  After Omar’s controversy, they circled the wagons, protected her, took hold of the issue and turned this resolution into another chance to brow-beat whites who were simply watching on the sidelines.

Compare it to how the Republicans treated Steve King when he said that, perhaps, Western Civilization is kind of good and stuff.  Immediately they took to Twitter to denounce him.  The House Minority Leader went all over the Sunday morning talk shows to grovel and explain that “that’s not who we are”.  Then they proceeded to pass a resolution 424-1 denouncing… you guess it!  White supremacy!

Putting aside this obvious clown world state of things, what about the content of Omar’s criticism?

Let us say that there was a foreign country — say, Russia or Japan — that had one of the most powerful lobbies in the country, such that every presidential candidate must go before the lobby and pledge his obeisance to this foreign country with a speech detailing how his (or her) presidency would be good for that foreign country.  Imagine if most members of Congress took money from this lobby.  Imagine if criticizing this lobby would result in widespread condemnation from all sides.  Imagine if US foreign policy in the region where this foreign country lies was dictated not by the will of the people, but by what would most benefit this foreign country, including deployment of troops for wartime activities.  Now imagine that there were members of the US Congress that had DUAL CITIZENSHIP with this foreign country.

Does anybody think that would fly if it was any country other than Israel?

I don’t know any serious nation in the world that allows its representatives to be dual citizens.

After Omar made her comments, President Trump tweeted that it was “a dark day for Israel!”  It’s been a dark day in America ever since our border has been trespassed with millions of annual invaders.  But I don’t see anybody doing anything about it.  Trump said that he has now reversed his decision and will be keeping some troops in Syria “to protect Israel”.   The American people don’t want our troops in Syria.  That has been said over and over again.  Why does Israel get to veto the foreign policy wishes of the American people?  Are we allowed to have any say at all in our government?

Has the United States become a vassal country of Israel?  It doesn’t seem that far-fetched.

Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.