Sometimes it’s easier to live in denial but the effects can’t be escaped long-term.

After the shooting in a mosque in New Zealand, we see many efforts in the country to show solidarity with the Muslim community. But for members of Islam — a militant religion that conquers every where it goes — these efforts will be perceived as signs of weakness and signs that Islam is getting the upper hand. Consider that Muslim Friday prayers were broadcast on nationwide television as New Zealanders bent over backwards to virtue signal their support for the conquerors.

Police officers and even the Prime Minister herself have taken the hijab to show “respect” for Islam. Can’t they see this is perceived as a sign of submission? Or perhaps there is a subconscious desire on their part to submit to the forces of Islam?

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

In general, it is preferable that women not be police officers or heads of state or governors or the like. Women have, as part of their feminine perfections, a natural inclination towards submission. And when invading forces are afoot, that inclination can be disastrous for a country.