In a new episode of some dumb TV show designed to brainwash America, we have CBS promoting the idea that it’s okay to “punch a Nazi” unprovoked because certain political views — i.e., Nazism, which means voting Republican — are so beyond the pale that they can’t be tolerated in any fashion.

In the minds of CBS executives, political violence is a sometimes necessary and good thing.

For the future, remember that it is them who have written the rulebook to follow.

Here is the show’s actor, Nyambi Nyambi, telling us all about it.  Nyambi Nyambi feels quite smug lecturing the whites who built America about the evil of advocating for their self-interests.  After all, his family recently came from Nigeria, in Africa, where their amazingly civilized society has given him much to brag about.  It really makes one wonder… if black countries are so great and white countries so evil, why do they come or stay here in the first place?

Think of all the anti-white violence going on in the country today and ask yourself: aren’t the media and entertainment industries complicit in this? Aren’t they outright contributing to and encouraging this political violence? Well don’t give them a dime of your money. This isn’t the 1950s anymore. The people who run these corporations hate you and want you dead.