Month: April 2019 (page 2 of 2)

The New Irish

While the Irish are off bulldozing their Catholic churches — simply due to a lack of attendance as they have embraced a secular, non-religious lifestyle — the invading hordes of Muslims are busy erecting their mosques. At this pace perhaps Muslims will conquer Europe without even fighting any major battles.

Question: Does a nation need a religion to survive?
Answer: Probably.

All politics is downstream of culture. Examine a nation’s culture and to some degree you can predict its politics. If you want to change a country’s politics, you need to focus on changing the culture. Our enemies know this, which is why they’ve engaged in the “long march through the institutions” to overturn our culture. What makes up a nation’s culture? Among many things there are a common history of the people and a common language. But the largest piece of the cultural pie is religion. If you take the religion out, you can’t have a functioning culture. And without that, a nation’s political order collapses.

Every major civilization worth a salt has had a religion in some form. And, in general, the closer that religion is to truth and goodness, and the more it is practiced in that form by the people, the higher the civilization it yields. (European Christendom was the zenith of human civilization.)

The Irish people — like the rest of the West — are bringing knives to the Muslims’ gunfight. And to be honest, I’m not sure that they’re even bringing knives. Secularism is a completely empty-handed approach.

Pre-South Africa

Fifteen, maybe twenty years tops and whites in the United States will be pushed right off of their own lands by “their” government.

Shutting Down Social Media

Big Tech has a real problem on their hands as the nature of social media allows us regular folks to share information far more freely and easier than ever. Now people are getting information unfiltered rather than through the “official” channels of old (i.e., the unified anti-American media), which allows exposure to countervailing political opinions.

It’s just a matter of time until social media will need to be policed to the extent that “unapproved views” are not permitted at all.

A Tale of Two Churches

We hear a lot today about a “vocations crisis” in the Church.  But the truth is, there are two, starkly different types of vocations crises.  In the new, post-Vatican II liberal hippie Church, there has been a collapse of vocations to the priesthood and many of the novus ordo (New Mass) seminaries are either nearly empty or shuttered.  Most dioceses have only a handful (or no) new men entering the seminary every year.  But for the traditional seminaries there is quite a different crisis:  they need to constantly expand buildings to take on new recruits.

This should be no surprise to learn, but as it turns out, energetic young men have no interest in giving over their entire lives for the hippies-era 1960s new-age liberal left-wing cuckoo-crazypants “let’s hold hands and sing kumbaya” noodly-spined church.  Nope.  Not interested.  You can just look at the Marines to see that young men are attracted to those things that are challenging, gritty, and rock-solid.  Soft and sentimental is not what the Faith is meant to be.

I’ve heard it said that in the 1950s and before, a man could go into the priesthood and have a comfortable living and become a well-respected and highly esteemed member of society.  It was, for all practical purposes, a good and easy life, and for those reasons was an attractive path for many.  But the situation is entirely different today because the Church is in an entirely different state than it was in the ’50s.  Today’s seminarians are like the firefighters charging into the burning building.  It’s a completely different mentality.

While nobody was looking, the traditional orders have been raising silent warriors.  The future of the Church is in the Traditional Latin Mass.  Mark my words.


New Math vs. Old Math

I’m not a big conspiracy guy, but… Maybe they’re trying to make our kids as dumb as possible?

The advantages of homeschooling are growing every year.

A One-Year Warning


“Trump retreats” is a common theme in headlines these days.  He went from a national emergency, to threatening to close down the border, to giving Mexico a “one-year warning” to fix the problem themselves.

It is better for him to not bluff at all rather than make these empty threats on Twitter only to back down days later.  He’s showing himself to be a real paper tiger.  And surely President Xi is watching all this from afar and developing a strategy of ignoring Trump’s empty tariff threats and waiting him out?  We’re, what, two years into tariff negotiations with no progress yet?

Republicans need to find a new candidate for 2020. This guy is no longer a fighter. I don’t know if he’s compromised and the FBI has dirt on him, or this was his plan all along, but the MAGA agenda seems dead.

Weimar Republic Part Two

Maybe it’s true that history doesn’t repeat, but oftentimes it rhymes.  One thing is for sure, we are now living in a full-fledged Clown World, and the Clownness is accelerating rapidly.  How much more depraved will we be just five years from now?

The Powers That Be assured us that if we would just reject our religion and abandon our values, everything would be great.  How’s that working out for us?

Tradition: The Way Forward

Consider the simple wisdom of G.K. Chesterton:

Tradition means giving a vote to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead.  Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death. Democracy tells us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our groom; tradition asks us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our father.

Out in my various travels (both in real life and on the Internet) I am hearing one anecdotal story after another about plummeting Mass attendance.  In the diocese I visit, Mass attendance has dropped precipitously in the past ten years (especially accelerating since Pope Francis was elected).  The people who have seen the numbers have said that it is like a chart with a line going down a steep cliff.  They’re all panicking in the chanceries.  Sure, people are getting old and dying and people are moving out of state, but something else must be at play.

On the contrary, there are a handful of parishes that have been able to maintain and, in some cases, grow attendance, despite the trends elsewhere.

And what is this “one weird trick” that keeps the faithful engaged?

So on the one hand you have a Mass formed from the wisdom of the traditions passed down from generation to generation — for over 15 centuries — and on the other hand you have a handful of 1960s hippies sitting around a table deciding what they think would be a “nice” way to worship God. I wonder which way would be superior…? Well, we’ll take a look at that in more detail later.

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