Why are the press and the sycophant trolls on Twitter constantly hounding President Trump about climate change?

Do they not realize that the United States is the only country on track to meet the Paris Climate Accord commitments for reduced greenhouse gas emissions, despite being the only country to withdraw from the pact?  All those other countries in Europe that love to brag about how seriously they take the environment aren’t even meeting their commitments.

Meanwhile the US is reducing carbon emissions because of the shale gas revolution, which produces natural gas as a “free” by-product.  And the trend is only going to continue in the future as the natural gas infrastructure gets built out further across the nation.  Why does the press never talk about this reality?  Is it because they just want another club to beat the president with?

And on the other side of the world, China has the fastest-growing increases in carbon emissions.  Why aren’t the media and Democrats complaining that China isn’t doing more to curb emissions, and asking the President to negotiate with the Chinese to make better efforts?