I believe all nations need some kind of long-standing father figure to give the people a sense of brotherhood. Somebody more than just a hired hand who does a four- or eight-year stint at the top.

It is hard to look at what has become of the British people. The small island nation that at one time went out to touch the whole world — and, for the most part, made those places the better — has fallen into a shell of its former self.

And now, with the immigration, the country is completely changing before their eyes. They all know it and sense it, even if it is still too early to openly talk about it.

What can a king (or queen) do when the nation’s leadership has been hijacked by fools, and the people have fallen into a certain kind of paralysis that seems to make counter-action impossible? Truly, a king must use his best tool available: he must set the example for his people. Set an example by building his own virtue, by prayer and by fasting, ever mindful that he, too, must be a servant of the Master, and that in His time, God will deliver the nation from the hands of its enemies.

I predict that within the next fifty years — or sooner — the British people will truly be on the ropes. The third-world invasion is going to overwhelm and devastate that small country. And just when they’re on the ropes, their national anthem will take on a special meaning and settle in their hearts and, perhaps in some small way, give them the push they need to fight back.