People wonder why school shootings happen?

This sort of violence is happening all across the nation, and it’s almost entirely black-on-white. We know because the perpetrators think it’s funny to take video and post it on the various social media sites. However, the media will never cover it. If it is covered, it will be in the local media only.

The national media has no interest in covering what is clearly a widespread black-on-white crime spree both in and out of our schools. But if a couple of black guys are asked to leave a Starbucks because they’re not patrons? CNN will be on it 24/7 as evidence of “systemic racism”.

Blacks have been taught — by the media, the schools, the music industry — that all of their problems are caused by the white man. And now, motivated by those phantom grievances, blacks feel that they have free reign to do whatever they want to white folks. (And for the most part, the way the justice system works in this country, and the way these schools operate, it’s mostly true — they go largely unpunished.)

This crisis is all over the country, and the media has a blackout in effect. The videos are all out there on the internet. But just think of all the incidents that are never captured on video.

How about with a pair of brass knuckles? It’s 21st century America — you’re allowed to punch whitey now for no reason at all!

This is happening with astonishing frequency. And if you get most of your information from the TV or newspapers, you probably don’t even know it’s happening. Why? Because they’re liars and they want to cultivate a narrative of black victim-hood.

The young white kids growing up today are feeling a lot like Germans in the late 1920s. Mark my words… there is seething rage out there that will boil over.