A middle school in California invoked disciplinary measures against a dozen kids after shocked parents discovered that they shared hateful messages in a private chat room and laid together in the shape of a swastika.

In total, 12 students at Matilija Junior High School in Ojai, southern California received a “disciplinary consequence” for exchanging offensive texts in a closed chat room or forming a ‘human swastika’ on a lawn during lunch break, the local school district’s superintendent Andy Cantwell confirmed on Tuesday. (source)

What’s that you say? A “human swastika”? Middle school students? I’m shocked!

A group of California junior high students were caught forming a swastika with their bodies on school grounds and exchanging racist and violent messages on a group chat, administrators said.

The middle school in Ojai, a small city 80 miles north-west of Los Angeles, told parents in a letter in December that officials had discovered photos showing “nine students laying on the field together to form the shape of a swastika during lunch”. Administrators said the images appeared in a group chat that was active in November and December and featured “racist, sexually inappropriate and threatening commentary”, including one student’s call “to bring knives to school”. The photos and texts have not been released.

Cyndi Silverman, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who has been working with Ojai school officials, told the Guardian that there were 28 students on the group chat, which featured a wide range of hateful content: “There were a number of texts that were anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, anti-black, anti-Latino.” (source)

Wow! Thirteen-year-olds embracing the swastika? What could possibly be going on here?

Well, let’s take a stab at this one. This cohort has grown up being told that whites are the source of all the evils in the world. And everything their ancestors have ever built — including their very own countries — was all built off the backs of non-whites. All their wealth and achievements were stolen, not earned. They even coined a term for this: white privilege.

And now, as the narrative goes, it is time for whites to be dispossessed of the countries their ancestors built. It is time for whites to step aside and allow “people of color” to run this nation. It is time to submit, roll over, and open the borders for the great replacement.

But you know what? These kids grew up with smartphones and tablets and laptops. Smartphones and tablets and laptops with Internet access, where they can circumvent the official narrative of the mainstream media and read sites where the truth is presented unvarnished and uncensored. They have less disgust for the pawns of the third-world invasion than they do for the architects — in the government, the media, in Hollywood and the music industry, the banking industry — and by an overwhelming proportion those architects are atheist Jews. They know that Hollywood is coordinating efforts to push degeneracy into the cultural norm, to destroy our children before they even come of age. They know that blacks don’t have the means to come up with and sustain an elaborate, unending grievance narrative; that, instead, blacks are learning that message from our new culture-setters. They know that the primary pushers for war intervention in the Middle East just have that uncanny characteristic of being “dual-citizens”, with a primary allegiance to a certain other Middle East country that benefits from these wars.

Do we see where this is going?

“The thought that nine middle school students took it upon themselves to form a human swastika is chilling,” Silverman said. “In 2017, we saw a 94 percent increase in hate incidents in K-12 schools, and, unfortunately, this is yet another example of this disturbing trend.” (source)

A disturbing trend indeed.