Republicans LOVE to lose. If losing were an Olympic sport, Republicans would win all the medals. There is nothing that gives them a greater rise than being defeated by their opponents.

Look at how skillfully they submit to the frame of their enemies, always so eager to grovel for their acceptance:

That’s the GOP “leader”, folks.  Down here in the “real world”, this is what we call controlled opposition.

You will never see the Democrats rise up to criticize the language of one of their own. They will not even denounce the violent tactics of their guerrilla warfare goon squad Antifa. Democrats never apologize.

But not Republicans. Oh, no. Republicans love to rush out and virtue-signal how not racist they are. “Surely you will like us now, right guys?”

Here’s a question: If black supremacy and Jewish supremacy and Latino supremacy are all tolerated and even celebrated in our culture, why is there no room for white supremacy?

Blacks are encouraged to vote in their best interests. Jews vote for their interests. Latinos vote for their interests. But whites aren’t allowed to vote according to their interests? In the very country they built?  Now why is that?

When is the US Congress going to get up and pass a unanimous resolution denouncing the anti-white hatred and bigotry that is gripping our nation?

Let’s just admit it: both political parties are anti-white, in accord with the rules set out by their masters.  They want you gone, because you’re so difficult to control.