Yesterday we heard about a bill proposed in the Virginia state legislature to allow abortion all the way up until the final moments before birth.  Not to be outdone, Governor Ralph Northam — a “moderate” Democrat — spoke today about the bill and went so far as to say that he was okay with infants being killed… AFTER birth, if the mother and physician agree with it.

So there you have it… a prominent Democrat supporting post-birth “abortion”… which goes by the other term… infanticide.

What is so amazing is how this kind of talk is met with complete indifference. The Washington Post covered the news with following headline: Va. Gov. Northam faces fierce conservative backlash over late term abortion bill. The press — which is so quick to weigh in with their outrage when it’s over trivial stuff like a kid in a MAGA hat — deflects a problem like this by making it seem like it’s just something that “conservatives” should be upset about.

This country is doomed.