As if not to be out-done, Germany shows America just how bad things can get in schools when they’re overrun with third-world thugs with no impulse control.  But unlike America, Germany prohibits home-schooling, so parents will have to send their kids into these fighting camps.

The media and administrators there, much like here, of course downplay it and want to keep everything under wraps.  But with the Internet, how long can they get away with that?

Germany (and the Netherlands) have major problems with Turkish and Albanian Muslims.

And for some context as to what is going on and who is doing it:

And to think that Angela Merkel shows more concern about the safety of immigrants coming in than protecting the children of her own nation.

White people better wake up and figure out what the hell is going on and start fighting back.

Germany used to have a leader with a certain mustache that wouldn’t tolerate this bullshit.