If this country has another civil war, I’m inclined to believe it’s going to be a race war.  At least one side is all ginned up from birth with false grievances:

An 11-year-old Florida student was arrested for allegedly threatening to beat his teacher because he refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, calling the pledge “racist” to black people.  …

The alleged incident began when a substitute teacher asked the student to stand for the pledge.

The student, who usually does not stand for the pledge, replied that he would not participate in the Pledge of Allegiance because he believed the American flag is racist and the national anthem is offensive towards black people.

The substitute teacher pushed back, telling district officials she told the student, “Why if it was so bad here, he did not go to another place to live.”

“They brought me here,” the boy reportedly replied.

“Well you can always go back, because I came here from Cuba and the day I feel I’m not welcome here anymore I would find another place to live,” the teacher then reportedly answered, before calling in other school officials to deal with the student.

An 11-year-old kid thinks that he was “brought here” against his will?  Seriously?  He’s too young to be this bitter and ignorant, so where is he getting all this trash-thinking from?

His mother, Dhakira Talbot, said the school should have handled the situation differently and is working with the Poor and Minority Justice Association, a nonprofit organization, to get the charges dropped.

“I’m upset, I’m angry. I’m hurt,” Talbot said. “More so for my son. My son has never been through anything like this. I feel like this should’ve been handled differently. If any disciplinary action should’ve been taken, it should’ve been with the school. He shouldn’t have been arrested.”

Ahhh… no wonder.  His mother immediately plays the victim role and runs off to the “Poor and Minority Justice Association” to extract reparations.

The school suspended the student for three days for threatening the teacher, meanwhile the teacher was told that “she could no longer work at any schools within the district.”  Who would want to work in these public schools anymore?

This country is loaded up with these little hell-raisers that will end up in prison some day.  How do these people get off being so damn bitter?  They are among the only 5% of the world’s population that lives in the US.  Most people aren’t fortunate enough to live in a first-world country.  They enjoy a standard of living that is uncommon in the world, and yet all they do is bitch about their victimhood.  And worse, they get free food, free housing, free phones, free cars, free medical care, free everything and all they do is bitch and complain about white people.

Sooner or later this is going to have to be addressed.  This cancer is only going to spread and get worse.  I don’t know what the answer is but it’s hard to see how these people can be integrated into this society.  Future generations are going to have to make some very serious and difficult choices.  I think it would be cheaper to find a government in Africa that will be willing to take them back with a $100,000 stipend or something to grease the palms a bit.  They’re clearly not going to be happy here.

And I know some libertarians out there don’t like the idea of a government requiring pledges of allegiance and such… but when you get down to it, you can’t have a nation without national unity and a common culture and character.  And you can’t have a nation with a government you don’t trust.  Multiculturalism is the antithesis of a nation.