I am amazed at how many people today see George Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning, but rather an instruction manual.  News stories about punishing wrongthink are becoming quite common both in Europe and the United States.

In the following example, a young man was suspended from a university for not demonstrating sufficient enthusiasm for his countrymen’s demographic replacement:

A British teenager claims he has been suspended from university for describing halal slaughter as “inhumane” and saying immigrants should not be allowed to use the National Health Service (NHS) for free, and cannot return unless he signs a conduct agreement and undertakes diversity training.

UKIP activist Sebastian Walsh, 19, was critical of “Islamisation”, halal slaughter, and the treatment of women by sharia courts in class discussions at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) — and reported to the university authorities by his tutors and suspended as a result, according to MailOnline.

The university explains itself by saying that tolerance is its highest value, and therefore opinions other than their own are unacceptable:

“UCLAN is proud to host a campus community comprised of many cultures, faiths, nationalities and beliefs,” a spokesman for the university said in response to the controversy surrounding the suspension.

“It values this rich diversity and takes seriously its responsibility to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all [and] promotes lawful, open debate, the discussion of varying views and academic freedom and has in place robust procedures to ensure this can take place,” they added — but then went on to say that Walsh’s “offensive and inappropriate comments” were unacceptable.

For the record:  halal meat is disgusting.  First of all, there are many stories about the unsanitary conditions in halal slaughterhouses across the US.  Second, the method of killing is just plain inhumane.  Avoid halal meat at all costs if you can.  I say “if you can” because now many chain restaurants are including halal meat simply to appeal to the increasing Muslim population in Western countries.

This also calls attention to one of the more effective tactics that is being used against sane people:  if you simply express views that aren’t completely insane — e.g., wanting your nation to survive — you are being cut off from the structures of society:  suspended from university, fired from your job, having banks and credit card companies unwilling to do business with you, etc.  All because of your political beliefs.  It reminds me of something from the Apocalypse, where in the end times one won’t be able to buy or sell unless he has the “mark of the beast” (i.e., unless he succumbs to the wickedness of the era).