Consider the following headline out of the UK:  “Furious parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row”.

Okay, just kidding!  Here’s the REAL headline:  “Furious MUSLIM parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row”.

You didn’t really think the native Brits would have the balls to rise up against their government overlords who are trying to push fag sex onto their kids, did you?  You didn’t really think they cared enough about their own kids to shield them from a bunch of freaks trying to teach them how to have buttsex, did you?

This is why I’m convinced Muslims are going to conquer Europe. They’re not a bunch of pozzed pussies like Westerners have become.

Furious Muslim parents reportedly withdrew 600 children from Parkfield Community School today after claiming they were being ‘brainwashed’ over gay lifestyles.

The pupils were taken out of classes as the row surrounding LGBT lifestyles being taught openly in the classroom escalated.

Kids have been withdrawn over the school’s “undermining of parental rights and aggressively promoting homosexuality”, according to Alum Rock Community Forum.

The forum adds: “Dialogue, petitioning and protests by parents have been repeated and arrogantly ignored.”

Dad Abdul Ma, 46, told the Sun : “This is a brainwash.”

“We bring our children here so they can later work as a solicitor or a teacher, not to be taught about being gay or a lesbian.”

Razina Mahmood, 40 added: “This is nothing but indoctrination of our children.”

“You are using our children as an experiment.”

When the hell are the native Brits (or any whites) going to do something effective like this?

Look at the ages of the kids being brainwashed:

“I have nothing against him and I fully respect his beliefs but this should be stopped being taught in schools. It’s not necessary. It’s confusing children.”

My little girl is four, she’s in reception and she came home asking me if it’s OK to be a boy instead of a girl and has dressed up in her brother’s clothes. She’s four years old.”

Mohammed Sakib, aged 37, who has children aged eight, nine and 10 at Parkfield Community School, added: “I respect all religions but why should sexuality be taught to primary school-aged children? It’s out of control.”

“[Mr Moffat] seems a friendly and good-natured guy but he needs to respect us as Muslim parents. He needs to listen.”

Another mum, who has children aged seven and 11 at Parkfield Community School, added: “Why does my seven-year-old girl need to be taught about same-sex marriages and homosexuality?”

“She should be playing, having fun and should be learning about English and maths. This curriculum is putting ideas into their heads.”