This is what goes on at “colleges” these days. The College Republicans were starting a presentation and some dimwit came in ringing a cowbell and got it shut down. You’ll notice that Portland and campus police were both on hand and did absolutely nothing. (Again, I continue to repeat over and over again: the police in this country have absolutely failed the loyalty test. They are not on your side. And we would be wise to make preparations with this fact in mind.)

Folks… THE WHOLE WORLD is laughing at us. Does anybody for a moment think a country like China is worried about us? Do you think they fear us?

Now where is that executive order defending free speech on campus that Trump threatened to write? Or was that another empty threat like his executive order to ban birthright citizenship?

It is past time we abandon all of these false pretenses about “free speech”. The Left never believed in free speech. They just wanted this fabricated “right” blown wide-open so that they could use it to subvert the order and take control, and then shut everyone else down.