Take a look at this video posted by the Border Patrol:

The first thing we can see is that steel slats are not a viable long-term solution because they are easily penetrable. The second and obvious problem is that once these invaders are apprehended, they immediately claim asylum and are therefore released into the country to pursue their end destinations. Question: What, exactly, is the point of the Border Patrol? Isn’t it a waste of resources to chase down invaders only to release them?

The fact is, we have a de facto amnesty situation on the ground right now.

Here’s what needs to happen:

  1. A large, tall, concrete wall needs to be built immediately along the portions of the border where people are coming in. If funding is an issue, force Mexico to pay for it by limiting trade between the countries. The sooner the wall is built, the sooner full trade will resume. If Mexico wants to trade with us, they need to help us with the border.
  2. Every one of these illegal immigrants is partaking in American society in some capacity. Either through employment, welfare, their kids are going to schools, etc. Every one of these instances can be targeted by the executive branch without needing an act of Congress. It’s simply a matter of enforcing the current immigration laws on the books. If someone employs an illegal immigrant, go after the employer. If an illegal alien is in school, go find his or her parents and deport the family.

The illegal (and legal) immigration situation is worse now than under any other administration. If something doesn’t change quick, we can expect states like Texas, Florida and North Carolina to forever vote Democrat. We can expect whites to become a minority in this country and shortly thereafter subjugated.  (Because nobody likes white people.) We can expect Honduras-like socialism to become the ruling system. And we can surely expect Brazil-like violence to become epidemic. All because certain people in positions to act decided not to act because they didn’t want to be mean.

Millions and millions of people are pouring into the country and completely transforming it into something else. People have got to put aside their political preferences and hold Trump’s feet to the fire and demand that he follow through on his campaign pledges that got him elected in the first place. If they don’t, their children and grandchildren are going to live just like they do in Brazil and Mexico and El Salvador.