In what has now become an endless joke, there is yet another caravan of thousands of “migrants” on the way from Central America:

And what is Mr. National Emergency doing about it? He’s busy playing golf, of course.

Why is he not calling up the Mexican president and demanding that the country stop providing travel for these invaders? These people aren’t simply walking thousands of miles. Why hasn’t he closed the border? Last year the Supreme Court ruled that the president — alone — has the constitutional authority to prevent ANY foreign alien from entering this country for ANY reason at all and using ANY means available and, if they do enter, he has the authority to deport them immediately. What is going on here? Doesn’t it seem like we’ve been had by a big con-artist?

They’re not even bothering to patrol border checkpoints anymore:

What is the excuse here? Why is the president failing to act?

Not that Trump’s been away from his desk completely. After all, he did just sign an order recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Remember that campaign promise that helps Make America Great Again? The Golan Heights? Remember when he talked about that at EVERY rally for EVERY day of the campaign? Yeah, me neither.

Seriously… what the hell is going on here? Who controls our government? Unless I’m blind, it’s definitely not the American people.