An example of the type of people our leaders are bringing into our nations:

Hungarian authorities detained a Syrian man on Friday accused of taking part in beheadings in Syria as a member of Islamic State, Budapest prosecutors and the European judicial co-operation agency Eurojust said.

The 27-year-old man, identified by Hungarian authorities as F. Hassan, is suspected of executing about 20 people in 2016, all family members of a person in Homs city who refused to join Islamic State, Hungarian prosecutors said.

The suspect had refugee status in Greece, it said.

Wow, what kind of a racist would be against bringing somebody like that into his country?

These “refugees” are being brought in without any serious vetting at all, and especially since so many are coming from countries where there is no way to do proper vetting.  And then Western people are surprised when rapes and murders and knifings are on the rise?

The conspiratorial side of me wonders if the authorities are bringing these people in as a conquering force to keep the native people in check from any potential uprisings.  Why do our governments not care that ISIS fighters are coming through unfiltered?