While the Irish are off bulldozing their Catholic churches — simply due to a lack of attendance as they have embraced a secular, non-religious lifestyle — the invading hordes of Muslims are busy erecting their mosques. At this pace perhaps Muslims will conquer Europe without even fighting any major battles.

Question: Does a nation need a religion to survive?
Answer: Probably.

All politics is downstream of culture. Examine a nation’s culture and to some degree you can predict its politics. If you want to change a country’s politics, you need to focus on changing the culture. Our enemies know this, which is why they’ve engaged in the “long march through the institutions” to overturn our culture. What makes up a nation’s culture? Among many things there are a common history of the people and a common language. But the largest piece of the cultural pie is religion. If you take the religion out, you can’t have a functioning culture. And without that, a nation’s political order collapses.

Every major civilization worth a salt has had a religion in some form. And, in general, the closer that religion is to truth and goodness, and the more it is practiced in that form by the people, the higher the civilization it yields. (European Christendom was the zenith of human civilization.)

The Irish people — like the rest of the West — are bringing knives to the Muslims’ gunfight. And to be honest, I’m not sure that they’re even bringing knives. Secularism is a completely empty-handed approach.