If we’re not willing to acknowledge what is being presented right in front of our faces, we have no hope of survival.

Consider the words from this woman who was taken in by America from her shithole country where her family’s life was threatened.  She was given safe harbor here and the taxpayers provided for her means.  If we hadn’t had taken her in as a refugee, it’s likely that her family would have been killed.  And, in return, this ingrate tears down our country every chance she gets and refuses even the respect of calling our president by his proper title.

If her Somalia is so damn good at justice and law, maybe we should send her the hell back.

White people, you have to learn:  EVERY SINGLE GROUP IS AGAINST YOU.  Get it in your heads.  Get it in there.  They hate you.  And none of our pleas to egalitarian platitudes are going to change that.