Category: Culture (page 1 of 2)

Follow the Path

First you get the numbers, then you win local elections, then you win parliamentary elections at the national level, then you dictate how the nation will be run.

It’s as simple as that.

The New Irish

While the Irish are off bulldozing their Catholic churches — simply due to a lack of attendance as they have embraced a secular, non-religious lifestyle — the invading hordes of Muslims are busy erecting their mosques. At this pace perhaps Muslims will conquer Europe without even fighting any major battles.

Question: Does a nation need a religion to survive?
Answer: Probably.

All politics is downstream of culture. Examine a nation’s culture and to some degree you can predict its politics. If you want to change a country’s politics, you need to focus on changing the culture. Our enemies know this, which is why they’ve engaged in the “long march through the institutions” to overturn our culture. What makes up a nation’s culture? Among many things there are a common history of the people and a common language. But the largest piece of the cultural pie is religion. If you take the religion out, you can’t have a functioning culture. And without that, a nation’s political order collapses.

Every major civilization worth a salt has had a religion in some form. And, in general, the closer that religion is to truth and goodness, and the more it is practiced in that form by the people, the higher the civilization it yields. (European Christendom was the zenith of human civilization.)

The Irish people — like the rest of the West — are bringing knives to the Muslims’ gunfight. And to be honest, I’m not sure that they’re even bringing knives. Secularism is a completely empty-handed approach.

Don’t Be a Bugman

Luke Smith talks about the phenomenon of being a “bugman”, which has become more common in young folks today who have taken the cultural Marxist idea of “rebellion” to its ultimate end:  where people are rejecting the traditions of their families to the point of completely ejecting themselves from tribal identity altogether, and embracing a superficially mundane and individual identity that ultimately destroys social cohesion.

You also see this pattern in businesses, churches, and sports that are quick to reject their traditions on the belief that embracing something new is always better.

Or consider this analogy:  If you want a really good lasagna, what is the best way to prepare it?  Using the long-standing, tried-and-true family recipe that has been handed down for generations?  Or sitting down with your books and researching the best way to mix the scientifically-correct proportion of ingredients?  Call me old-fashioned but I think I’ll take mom’s lasagna every time.

“Even if you don’t understand why they make sense, sometimes they do.”

The portion from 6:35 – 7:50 is probably the perfect explanation for why the old, Traditional Latin Mass is preferable to the New Mass.  The former was handed down and perfected for 1,900 years whereas the latter was drawn up in a “clean room” by a handful of “scholars” who didn’t know anything about the things they changed.



Sometimes it’s easier to live in denial but the effects can’t be escaped long-term.

After the shooting in a mosque in New Zealand, we see many efforts in the country to show solidarity with the Muslim community. But for members of Islam — a militant religion that conquers every where it goes — these efforts will be perceived as signs of weakness and signs that Islam is getting the upper hand. Consider that Muslim Friday prayers were broadcast on nationwide television as New Zealanders bent over backwards to virtue signal their support for the conquerors.

Police officers and even the Prime Minister herself have taken the hijab to show “respect” for Islam. Can’t they see this is perceived as a sign of submission? Or perhaps there is a subconscious desire on their part to submit to the forces of Islam?

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

In general, it is preferable that women not be police officers or heads of state or governors or the like. Women have, as part of their feminine perfections, a natural inclination towards submission. And when invading forces are afoot, that inclination can be disastrous for a country.

Piety: The Forgotten Virtue

To understand why we’re in such a mess today we need to consider how we have allowed ourselves to be cut off from our traditions.  And we can’t do that without considering the role of piety.  The word comes from the Latin pietas which means a dutifulness towards God, nation, family, etc., such that one should show honor and a sense of responsibility to those to whom they owe a debt of gratitude.  In ancient Roman times, pietas was considered a high virtue; but in the Christian religion it was raised to the dignity of one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.  So piety belongs to the virtue of justice because it demands that we give what is due to one who is owed.

Now let us consider this amazing event in the life of our Lord:

And his parents went every year to Jerusalem, at the solemn day of the pasch, And when he was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast, And having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not. And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day’s journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance. And not finding him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking him.

And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said to them: How is it that you sought me? did you not know, that I must be about my father’s business? And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them.

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart.

(Luke 2:41-51)

The part in bold is translated in the New Lectionary as: “…and was obedient to them”.

For the purposes of this discussion, the relevance of this event is that it establishes that, to God, the Fourth Commandment is so important that He, in the person of Jesus, was even willing to submit and be obedient to His human parents, Mary and Joseph.  So God Himself insists on obeying the Fourth Commandment — to set an example for us.

To recall the Fourth Commandment:  Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

With a little bit of reflection we can see that this commandment is fulfilled with the virtue of piety.

The new Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that this commandment applies to all those to whom we have a duty:  “The fourth commandment is addressed expressly to children in their relationship to their father and mother, because this relationship is the most universal. It likewise concerns the ties of kinship between members of the extended family. It requires honor, affection, and gratitude toward elders and ancestors. Finally, it extends to the duties of pupils to teachers, employees to employers, subordinates to leaders, citizens to their country, and to those who administer or govern it.”  (paragraph 2199, emphasis mine)

So the problem that Western countries have today is that we do not show honor, respect or gratitude to our ancestors.  We have refused the traditions (or ways) that they passed on to us.  We have rejected their culture.  We have rejected their religion.  We’ve rejected their arts, philosophy, theology, ways of worshiping — all of it.  We thought that we were better than our ancestors, and we could throw off their ways and come up with all of our new stuff.

This is why the New Mass that Pope Paul VI promulgated in 1969 was so incredibly dangerous to the life and health of the Church, and therefore our very nations.  Can you imagine for a moment that the order of the Mass was passed on practically unchanged for at least 1,500 years (as far as records document), only to have a handful of people in the Vatican come up with something completely different in the 1960s, and then force it on the Church’s faithful?  Is that honoring our ancestors, as the Fourth Commandment requires?  Is that showing gratitude?  Does that respect our traditions?  Is that an expression of piety or not?

But it’s not just in the Church now.  It’s in our countries.  We’ve cut ourselves off from all the arts of our forefathers, and now we have all this garbage you see on TV or hear on iTunes.  Our contemporary political systems make absolutely no sense at all.  We have a banking industry built on usury — in complete rejection of the laws of our ancestors.  We think we’re better than them because we now have Crest toothpaste and air conditioning.  Are we really better?  Let’s look at it objectively:  we have demonstrated that we have not been able to maintain the civilization that they had built and handed on to us.  So we can’t even maintain what they built.  Who has the bigger accomplishment?

So what is the consequence of cutting ourselves off from our traditions?  Well it’s like cutting the boat’s rope from safe harbor, and our boat is floating at sea being ripped apart by the storm.  We no longer have access to the bulwark of safety, which is our great culture and the wisdom of our forefathers.  And if we don’t smarten up quick and take our obligation to piety more seriously, what is the long-term consequence?  Well it’s right there in the Fourth Commandment.  It says that if we obey this moral law, “our days may be long in the land which the Lord gives us”.  The implication is that if we don’t obey, we’re not going to keep this land that is ours.  And if we don’t think that’s possible, we would be wise to look at what’s happening with the third-world invasion of Europe, or what’s happening across America’s southern border.

If you hear anybody insulting our ancestors then go ahead and pop ’em right in the nose.  I don’t care if it’s a movie, a school textbook, some talking-head idiot on TV or whatever.  Don’t let them separate us from our people.  They want us to disown and disrespect our own blood.  If we feel shame for our ancestors, imagine what they would think of our ingratitude.

Be pious.  Even the ancient Romans and pagans were pious before the time of Christianity.  We can do it too, and we have God and our ancestors to help us.


An Inspiring Ballad Featuring Jeezy and Rich Homie Quan

Americans bought the lie of equality and, well… Congratulations!  Here’s your new culture:

When that video has 300 MILLION views, you can be sure that this isn’t something limited to just black culture. This is all of America. This is what your kids listen to.

The American people have rejected the great culture, philosophy, achievements and traditions of their ancestors and now they’re consuming “art” from these ignorant slobs who haven’t even figured out how to wear pants yet.  And now nature is going to exact its punishment for our lack of piety and fidelity.

Prediction: within 50 years we won’t even have indoor plumbing in this country any more.

On the Meaning of Virtue

You can learn a lot about a word by studying its etymology.  Our English word virtue comes from the Latin word virtus, which has a slightly more robust meaning than what we typically think of when using the English word today.  Virtus is moral excellence, but also with an implicit connotation of strength and manliness that is caused by this virtus.  In fact, the root Latin word of virtus is vir, which means man (and hence words such as virile, etc.).

So we have to consider that at that time, in that culture, the concept that we loosely call “virtue” today was considered a mark of strength in a man.  A man was sort of measured by his level of virtue.  A virtuous man was a strong man, and vice-versa.  Do we think anything like that today?

In Roman times — even before Christendom was established — there was a very well-defined list of virtues that men were expected to attain in order to be respected in society:  constancy, discipline, fortitude, courage, self-mastery, clemency, etc.  And like anything these virtues had to be developed — much like physical strength has to be developed through exercise and training, the virtues are developed and made stronger in us by exercising them.

Now if we accept the ancient idea that virtue and strength are correlated, what can we say about a nation that is high in virtue and, alternatively, a nation that is low in virtue?  Or, put a different way, a nation whose people on average exhibit a high or low level of virtue.  Which nation would be harder to defeat in battle: the one where its men demonstrate extraordinary virtue in areas like courage, fortitude, prudence and temperance — or the one where everybody is a lazy bum?  Which nation would be more likely to be subverted by evil ideologies and destroyed from within?  The one strengthened by virtue or the one weakened by vice?

So everybody is running around asking what we can do to fix our countries.  Well here’s an easy thing we can do ourselves:  we can work on our personal virtue.  And we don’t need an act of Congress or a political movement or a steering committee or whatever to get us started.  We can just do it.  We can get busy exercising.

There’s also a second part to this.

It has always been a teaching of the Church that God is more likely to hear (i.e., answer) the prayers of those who reach a high degree of sanctity.  In fact for those people who do reach such a level of holiness — and they are few but they are out there — they can pretty much ask God for anything serious and if it is in accord with His will, He will grant it.  That can be a very motivating and reassuring thought.

And finally, if you can see the writing on the wall, you can accurately predict that many Western nations will soon be crying out to God asking for Him to save us from this mess.  (This is no time for Pollyannas.)  If we want to be heard, we better purify ourselves.


Programming the Mind

One of the most effective tools of social engineering in the last half-century has been the television. I believe it even rivals the education system in terms of the level of impact: it’s far broader, inter-generational, and more degenerate.

John Watson was a 20th century psychologist who understood how the power of association could elicit desired behaviors. He moved into the advertising industry and showed himself to be quite successful. We read from Wikipedia:

An example of Watson’s use of testimonials was with the campaign he developed for Pebeco toothpaste. The ad featured a seductively dressed woman, and coaxed women to smoke, as long as they used Pebeco toothpaste. The toothpaste was not a means to benefit health or hygiene, but as a way to heighten the sexual attraction of the consumer. They were not only buying toothpaste, they were purchasing sex appeal.

Since the time of John Watson, the advertising industry has become more sophisticated (and knowledgeable) in its approach to manipulating a person’s behavior.  Unless one is looking for it, he is unlikely to see much of the subliminal messaging — often unrelated to the advertised product — but the individual will accept it into his subconscious for no other reason than just the frequency of receiving the message.  When the advertising industry is composed of agencies that are not simply eager for profit, but also to push a certain agenda (“social engineering”), people need to be on guard.

Consider the following group of commercials and ask yourself, “Do I see a similar pattern when I watch TV?”

The above commercials are designed to be received differently depending on the viewer. For white men, they are to see themselves as being in the role of the lesser. For blacks, they are to see themselves as living the role of the greater. Both groups see the other group according to the script.

The programming is quite different from reality, but with enough consistency, one might be apt to believe the fantasy on TV over reality. The truth is, whites disproportionately make up the working and tax-paying class. The average IQ of whites is a full standard deviation higher than the average IQ of blacks (in the US). The inter-racial crime rate is overwhelmingly disproportionately black on white.

I don’t think it’s inaccurate to say that in the modern world the culture and moral norms are almost completely dictated now using the mechanisms of television, movies, music, etc. And that’s a real danger because the people who run these industries are not moral people. In ancient European times, morals were guided mostly by custom and the wisdom of elders. After the establishment of Christendom, morality and culture followed the dictates of the Church, through the Word of God, the application of God’s moral law and the practice of the Holy Faith. That’s all gone now.  But can we really build a high, noble culture on just Doritos and football?

According to a Nielsen report cited by Wikipedia, “United States adults are watching five hours and four minutes of television per day on average.”  Five hours.  PER.  DAY.

The concern I see is that this opens up a susceptibility to having one’s mind and focus formed towards an end that is contrary to both the truth and what God desires of us.  (And this is just a diplomatic way of saying that we need to be aware of the agendas — some perhaps very evil — that are pushed through this medium.)  I wonder how much time the average person spends in prayer every day?  If we don’t spend the time to pray, to read God’s Word, to learn about the Faith, to learn about the great saints of history, how will our minds be formed and centered on what’s truly important?  And without that knowledge, how can we inoculate ourselves against this evil programming?

After all, the television will pass way, but eternity is forever.


The Polar Vortex and White Privilege

Now that the latest polar vortex has high-tailed it out of here allowing our brains to defrost for a bit, let’s take a moment to reflect on just how easy we have it these days.  A hundred or more years ago there was no advanced weather forecasting to give us a couple weeks to prepare for such life-threatening cold.  Back then they didn’t know it was coming until it hit.  And that meant, to survive such harsh conditions, they needed to be prepared well beforehand.

The truth is that the harsh climate of Europe and other northern regions of the world forces the populations to be forward-thinking.  Thousands and thousands of years of such a challenging environment is going to bias the population towards the hardiest and more intelligent members.  It’s just common sense that only the ones capable of surviving are going to make it and reproduce.  A thousand years ago you couldn’t just hop in your car and go out to McDonald’s for lunch when it was -30°F out.  They had to prepare well in advance all of their necessities to make it through the entire winter.

Contrast that to tropical climates where food is abundant on the nearest tree day in and day out and the seasons hardly every change.  Those with long time preferences — who could prepare a full season in advance — don’t present any particular advantage in that population.  So over a long period of time they’re not going to be selectively preferred.

What people call “white privilege” is actually just the privilege of being the descendants of those who suffered arduously for many, many thousands of years in harsh natural environments.  In other words, Europeans were put through the crucible… and many of their advantages are owed to the hard labors and sufferings of their ancestors, and not to some mythical evils that the haters purport.

The truth is, white people are on average the least racist people out there.  They open their countries to everybody in the world.  People come and they give them free housing, free cars, free medical care, free food… and all while being shellacked around the clock.  They send their doctors and charities and missionaries into Africa and India and Asia and all over the world to help improve lives.  Do you see anybody else doing that?


Have a Glass of Water

Do you enjoy drinking water? If so, thank a white person today!


Data courtesy Centers for Disease Control

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