Category: Culture (page 2 of 2)

Happy Candlemas!

Forty days have passed since Christmas Day, and that means it is the last day of Christmastide.  Which means that there’s no better way to celebrate than listening to Christmas carols for one last time until next year.

In modern times it has become common to criticize “triumphalism”.  (Wikipedia definition:  Triumphalism is the attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, religion, culture, or social system is superior to and should triumph over all others.)  Yeah, well… heck with that. Call me a triumphalist.  I think we should scream from the rooftops the superiority of Christian culture, and frequently exhibit its past greatness, and make it present again today.  What is there to be ashamed of?

It’s been said — correctly — that the pipe organ is the second-greatest musical instrument, second only to the human voice.  The pipe organ is another one of Europe’s great artistic achievements, and when employed with vigor, lifts our souls with a sense of joy and victory that is truly proper for the Christian.  When your feet feel the vibrations in the floor, you know you’re dealing with serious business.

So enjoy some nice pipe organ to close out the season:

Westminster Abbey’s stunning Gothic architecture reminds us of the importance of aesthetics in worship and culture. The first church was built here in the 7th century, and this particular building dates back to the 13th century. This was back when our ancestors believed that building grand, beautiful churches took precedence over building multi-million dollar sports stadiums. The church was originally a Catholic church — as all were back in that time — and became an Anglican church after King Henry VIII completely lost his mind and stole it. Perhaps some day it will be restored for its proper use.

The Fate of Empires

Social Engineering

Remember when Netflix was that humble start-up that sent you DVDs in the mail for a small monthly fee and they would run like a trillion dollars of annual net losses but didn’t care?  Well now that the big money has come into Netflix, it’s time to do what all the big-money entertainment companies do:  social engineering.

Here’s a bit of quality Netflix content for you.  How about a show about a drag queen who teaches little boys and girls how to dance like little sluts?  Nothing creepy about that at all — oh, no!  Isn’t this exactly the kind of content the American public has been asking for?

freeeak show!

Is there a pattern here?  I see a pattern here.  I see decade after decade of degeneracy being pushed into everyone’s faces by these media companies.  And since the people have their guard down, they become desensitized to it and allow themselves to conform to the newly acceptable standards.  Where are we going with these various drag queen / little children interactions that are now popping up all over the place?  What am I supposed to think is the end-goal here other than the obvious?

And how about this new show:

Pushing all of these official new-narrative stereotypes: white people are inherently racist, blacks suffer from racial injustice at the hands of the white man, white men need to check their privilege, etc. “White people bad. Everyone get that through your heads.”

Who the hell is asking for this content to be produced for consumption? Do you know anybody who wants to watch this garbage?

Doesn’t this look like social engineering?

Honestly, the country would be a lot better off if everyone just threw their televisions the hell out and spent their time on productive activities. Sometimes the brainwashing is so subconscious that you don’t even pick up on it.

Of course, the whole reason Hollywood was founded in the first place was to avoid the decency laws that were in place in New York during the early 20th century. But it seems their barrel has no bottom.

We’ve Been Warned

It’s not that there are no good bishops.  It’s just that the few that remain have been pushed off to the sidelines of the periphery, hardly to be heard from.  The fact that this is the case shows just how deeply Satan has infiltrated the modern world and laid down roots:  in our governments, our corporations, our churches and, sadly, even in the hearts of so many men.

But let no man later say “we didn’t see it coming”, when it is now so out in the open: we are truly facing an existential threat.

What we can now say with confidence is that “freedom of religion” — even for false religions — is nothing more than a freemasonic Trojan horse, designed to under-cut the very moral and cultural foundations of the Western world, to weaken our nations from within so that they can’t withstand the onslaught. This is a centuries-long attack from the emissaries of the devil himself.

To confront this attack, we may have to leave behind some of our more modern ideologies. We can’t bring a knife to a gunfight and have any hope of winning. And, in this case, winning is a matter of life and death for our nations.

A King Must Lead by Example

I believe all nations need some kind of long-standing father figure to give the people a sense of brotherhood. Somebody more than just a hired hand who does a four- or eight-year stint at the top.

It is hard to look at what has become of the British people. The small island nation that at one time went out to touch the whole world — and, for the most part, made those places the better — has fallen into a shell of its former self.

And now, with the immigration, the country is completely changing before their eyes. They all know it and sense it, even if it is still too early to openly talk about it.

What can a king (or queen) do when the nation’s leadership has been hijacked by fools, and the people have fallen into a certain kind of paralysis that seems to make counter-action impossible? Truly, a king must use his best tool available: he must set the example for his people. Set an example by building his own virtue, by prayer and by fasting, ever mindful that he, too, must be a servant of the Master, and that in His time, God will deliver the nation from the hands of its enemies.

I predict that within the next fifty years — or sooner — the British people will truly be on the ropes. The third-world invasion is going to overwhelm and devastate that small country. And just when they’re on the ropes, their national anthem will take on a special meaning and settle in their hearts and, perhaps in some small way, give them the push they need to fight back.

Are All Cultures Equal?

A tenet of multiculturalism is that a diversity of cultures strengthens a country by bringing a variety of different values.  What do you think:  do all cultures contribute equally to push a nation higher?

Consider that one way a culture can be judged is by the art that comes forth from its people; and the art that is not only appreciated and celebrated, but also that garbage which is suppressed.

I would like to present Exhibit A:  a Korean singing an Italian aria before a Japanese crowd.  I give it simply as an example of what Europeans and East Asians are capable of creating and appreciating.

Now let’s take a look at Exhibit B: a typical chart-topping single from modern America. This “song” has an astonishing 435 million views on YouTube. You only need to watch about ten seconds, because it’s the same after that.

What do you think? Does this represent a great achievement of culture?

America needs to wake up and figure out what the hell is going on. Who is pushing this crap on us and establishing it as the “art” for popular consumption? Does the cynical side of you wonder if, maybe, this is some kind of coordinated brainwashing designed to lower a nation into the gutter? Do you feel inspired listening to that? Do you feel human?

Which of the two music pieces makes you feel more human?

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