Category: Current Events (page 2 of 4)

The Tyranny of Tolerance

I am amazed at how many people today see George Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning, but rather an instruction manual.  News stories about punishing wrongthink are becoming quite common both in Europe and the United States.

In the following example, a young man was suspended from a university for not demonstrating sufficient enthusiasm for his countrymen’s demographic replacement:

A British teenager claims he has been suspended from university for describing halal slaughter as “inhumane” and saying immigrants should not be allowed to use the National Health Service (NHS) for free, and cannot return unless he signs a conduct agreement and undertakes diversity training.

UKIP activist Sebastian Walsh, 19, was critical of “Islamisation”, halal slaughter, and the treatment of women by sharia courts in class discussions at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) — and reported to the university authorities by his tutors and suspended as a result, according to MailOnline.

The university explains itself by saying that tolerance is its highest value, and therefore opinions other than their own are unacceptable:

“UCLAN is proud to host a campus community comprised of many cultures, faiths, nationalities and beliefs,” a spokesman for the university said in response to the controversy surrounding the suspension.

“It values this rich diversity and takes seriously its responsibility to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all [and] promotes lawful, open debate, the discussion of varying views and academic freedom and has in place robust procedures to ensure this can take place,” they added — but then went on to say that Walsh’s “offensive and inappropriate comments” were unacceptable.

For the record:  halal meat is disgusting.  First of all, there are many stories about the unsanitary conditions in halal slaughterhouses across the US.  Second, the method of killing is just plain inhumane.  Avoid halal meat at all costs if you can.  I say “if you can” because now many chain restaurants are including halal meat simply to appeal to the increasing Muslim population in Western countries.

This also calls attention to one of the more effective tactics that is being used against sane people:  if you simply express views that aren’t completely insane — e.g., wanting your nation to survive — you are being cut off from the structures of society:  suspended from university, fired from your job, having banks and credit card companies unwilling to do business with you, etc.  All because of your political beliefs.  It reminds me of something from the Apocalypse, where in the end times one won’t be able to buy or sell unless he has the “mark of the beast” (i.e., unless he succumbs to the wickedness of the era).


Enemy of the People

Are the main stream media the Enemy of the People?  You know it!  They jumped on that fake Jussie Smollett hoax — and everyone with a brain knew from the get-go that it was a hoax — because it ginned up sympathy for blacks and gays and smeared white MAGA men as violent, racist criminals.  It didn’t matter if the story was true or not, they just wanted to reinforce that false narrative in people’s minds.  People tend to remember the first impression, even if it’s wrong.

I suspect this actual, true, fact-based event that has 100% video evidence won’t be covered much on CNN and NBC:

Police have arrested a suspect who they say duct-taped a store clerk and a customer, then set the customer on fire during a robbery at a Palestine, Texas convenience store.

The robbery occurred Thursday morning at the Pit Stop on North Link Street.

Thursday afternoon officers arrested Robert Thompson, 40, at JJ’s Fast Stop in the 1200 block of East Palestine.

Thompson was arrested on a warrant for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated robbery.

According to Chief Andy Harvey, the suspect entered the store armed with a handgun. He is shown on surveillance video asking the store clerk for something from behind the counter, and when her back is turned, he is shown pulling a handgun out. He is then shown forcing the clerk into a corner behind the counter.

The video also shows the man – later identified as Thompson – going to the door of the store, and physically bringing a female customer into the store. He is shown duct-taping her behind the counter. He then doused the women with fluid, and lit the customer, identified by police as Della Witt-Denizeri, on fire.

“The suspect … decided to pour lighter fluid on the cashier and the customer. Right before he left, he lit a match and lit them on fire,” Harvey said.

Yet another black-on-white crime that won’t be covered with 24/7 headlines by the Fake News.  The facts go against the narrative that must be established.

How can we have a “democracy” when we don’t even have an honest press in this country?  How are people supposed to be informed so they can vote properly when the press lies every time they operate, both in what they report and what they fail to report?

And those district attorneys better bring a stronger charge than simply aggravated assault.  Lighting somebody on fire sounds like attempted murder to me.

Within ten years this whole country is going to explode because there is NO LAW AND ORDER in this country.  And people are getting pissed because they feel like they have no voice.


We’re on Our Own Out Here

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.”  So said St. Athanasius in the fourth century.

If he could only see us now.

Consider the following statement released by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the execution of Domineque Ray:

The execution of Domineque Ray deeply troubles us. The death penalty itself is an affront to human dignity, and the Church has long called for its abolition in the United States and around the world. Mr. Ray bore the further indignity of being refused spiritual care in his last moments of life, in violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Alabama law. This unjust treatment is disturbing to people of all faiths, whether Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or otherwise. People deserve to be accompanied in death by someone who shares their faith. It is especially important that we respect this right for religious minorities. As Pope Francis said during his recent trip to the United Arab Emirates, ‘What we are called to do as believers is to commit ourselves to the equal dignity of all.’ Let us make this commitment today.

How is it possible to fit so much effeminacy and heresy into such a short passage?  Try as we might, only a US bishop can excel at such an achievement.

Before we correct this obnoxious drivel, it must be said that one of the co-authors of this statement is Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, KY, who was quick to put out a statement criticizing the Covington Catholic high school kids for smirking in the direction of a “native elder”, calling it a “shameful act of disrespect”.

The first problem with the statement is that it brings undue sympathy to the executed.  Nowhere is there a consideration for the actual victims of his crimes:  Tiffany Harville was raped and murdered by having a knife jabbed into her brain and her throat slit.  Two other boys, Reinhard and Ernest Mabins, were also killed by Ray a year earlier.  To talk about the “indignity” that Ray supposedly suffered by not having an iman at his side while not even mentioning the victims is just pathetic.

Second, can you imagine a Catholic bishop talking about some “right” to have a minister of a false religion at one’s death bed?  Only a priest can bring a penitent soul back to God at death.  There used to be bishops who would lose their heads for steadfastly upholding the one, true faith.

And finally, we have to address this completely false argument — now so often repeated — that the Catholic Church is “against” the death penalty.  There may be some people in the Catholic episcopacy today who don’t accept the death penalty, but that’s not God’s law, as espoused by the tradition of the Church.

I copy the following quotes that were put together by Ann Barnhardt for your consideration, and judge for yourselves who to believe.

St. Augustine
The same divine authority that forbids the killing of a human being establishes certain exceptions, as when God authorizes killing by a general law or when He gives an explicit commission to an individual for a limited time.

The agent who executes the killing does not commit homicide; he is an instrument as is the sword with which he cuts. Therefore, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ to wage war at God’s bidding, or for the representatives of public authority to put criminals to death, according to the law, that is, the will of the most just reason.

St. Thomas Aquinas
Every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part exists naturally for the sake of the whole. For this reason we see that if the health of the whole human body demands the excision of a member, because it became putrid or infectious to the other members, it would be both praiseworthy and healthful to have it cut away. Now every individual person is related to the entire society as a part to the whole. Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy and healthful that he be killed in order to safeguard the common good, since “a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump” (1 Cor. 5:6).

The fact that the evil ones, as long as they live, can be corrected from their errors does not prohibit that they may be justly executed, for the danger which threatens from their way of life is greater and more certain than the good which may be expected from their improvement.

They also have at that critical point of death the opportunity to be converted to God through repentance. And if they are so obstinate that even at the point of death their heart does not draw back from malice, it is possible to make a quite probable judgment that they would never come away from evil.

…a secondary measure of the love of God may be said to appear, for capital punishment provides the murderer with incentive to repentance which the ordinary man does not have, that is a definite date on which he is to meet his God. …the law grants to the condemned an opportunity which he did not grant to his victim, the opportunity to prepare to meet his God. Even divine justice here may be said to be tempered with mercy.

St. Alphonsus Liguori
It is lawful to put a man to death by public authority: it is even a duty of princes and of judges to condemn to death criminals who deserve it; and it is the duty of the officers of justice to execute the sentence; God Himself wishes malefactors to be punished.

Thomas Aquinas laid the groundwork for our modern Western ethics and theology.  He is one of the true greats of Christendom.  Do these bishops and popes really put themselves above St. Thomas and St. Alphonsus?  Who do they think they are?

Folks, no bishop or pope is going to save us, that seems for sure.  We are on our own out here to restore our traditions and take back our religion.  God will send us good shepherds in due time.


Clown World Has Arrived

No wonder knife crime is out of control in the UK. The police are too busy patrolling Twitter for speech crimes:

A mother was arrested in front of her children and locked up for seven hours after referring to a transgender woman as a man online.

Three officers detained Kate Scottow at her home before quizzing her at a police station about an argument with an activist on Twitter over so-called ‘deadnaming’.

The 38-year-old, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken and remains under investigation.

More than two months after her arrest on December 1, she has had neither her mobile phone or laptop returned, which she says is hampering her studies for a Masters in forensic psychology.

What do you think?  Is today’s West the most unserious, degenerate generation in human history?  Our ancestors would kill us if they ever found out what we’ve become.

Confirming the arrest, Hertfordshire Police said: ‘We take all reports of malicious communication seriously.’

The case is the latest where police have been accused of being heavy-handed in dealing with people who go online to debate gender issues.

Sitcom writer Graham Linehan was given a verbal harassment warning by West Yorkshire Police after transgender activist Stephanie Hayden reported him for referring to her by her previous names and pronouns on Twitter.

Holy shit are we in the End Times?  They have a Muslim horde coming in and knifing kids in the streets and they’re worried about people using the wrong pronouns on Twitter?

How long are people going to allow themselves to be so humiliated by the mentally ill until they finally overthrow these obviously illegitimate governments?

And where the hell is the Queen?

No-Knock Warrants: What Could Go Wrong?

This week’s “Bad Cop, No Donut” Award goes to the Houston Police Department for pulling off yet another trainwreck fatal home invasion that is becoming all too common across America.  With a warrant in hand based on information obtained from a criminal informant, about a dozen officers — wearing plainclothes — busted into the home of a middle-aged couple who had no criminal history and immediately began firing.  First at the dog.  The woman tried to wrestle the gun away from the cop — who was wearing plainclothes — who shot the dog.  Another cop — wearing plainclothes — shot and killed her.  Meanwhile the man grabbed his revolver and somehow managed to shoot five different officers — all in plainclothes — before they shot and killed him.  (To get five officers with one revolver is pretty damn remarkable.  Perhaps the police department isn’t telling the whole story?)

They never did find that heroin they were looking for.  Maybe the police had the wrong house?  Maybe this “informant” was full of crap?

Here’s the problem with these no-knock warrants.  Let’s say you’re in your house.  Maybe you’re sleeping or whatever.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a crash as the front door is busted down.  The dog starts going crazy.  You have no idea what’s going on.  You’ve lived a crime-free life so you’re not expecting the police.  Obviously, you think your home is being invaded.  And the first thing you do is to start shooting back at those shooting at you.  These two probably never even knew that these guys in their home were police.  They likely died thinking it was a home invasion.

This couple was outright murdered.

It is a complete violation of one’s Constitutional rights to have the police just barge into one’s house and start shooting — especially for such petty crimes as drug possession.  A man’s house is his domain and the government needs to respect that.

And now the police chief (a gun grabber) and union head are complaining about the fact that people in the community are pissed about how reckless and unaccountable these no-knock warrants are.  When people’s loved ones get killed this way, what are they supposed to do… blow rainbows out their asses?

Little by little you can see the tyranny progress.


There’s Money to be Made in Those Body Parts

Didn’t I say these abortion creeps are getting donations to keep the racket going?  Remember when Planned Parenthood officials were caught on hidden video admitting that they sell baby body parts?

As always, follow the money.

How’s that democracy working out?

Virginia Del. Kathy Tran Submitted Bill To Save Caterpillars On Same Day As Late-Stage Abortion Bill

They’re just mocking us now.  Bringing a bill forward to allow abortion up to birth on the same day as a bill to protect cankerworms is designed to send a signal that boasts of their arrogance and power over us.


Virginia Governor Doubles Down

Yesterday we heard about a bill proposed in the Virginia state legislature to allow abortion all the way up until the final moments before birth.  Not to be outdone, Governor Ralph Northam — a “moderate” Democrat — spoke today about the bill and went so far as to say that he was okay with infants being killed… AFTER birth, if the mother and physician agree with it.

So there you have it… a prominent Democrat supporting post-birth “abortion”… which goes by the other term… infanticide.

What is so amazing is how this kind of talk is met with complete indifference. The Washington Post covered the news with following headline: Va. Gov. Northam faces fierce conservative backlash over late term abortion bill. The press — which is so quick to weigh in with their outrage when it’s over trivial stuff like a kid in a MAGA hat — deflects a problem like this by making it seem like it’s just something that “conservatives” should be upset about.

This country is doomed.

Sacrifice to Moloch

When I heard that New York state passed a bill allowing for abortions all the way up until the moment of birth for, essentially, any reason whatsoever, I knew that it would trigger a domino effect across the nation, beginning with the most left-leaning states.  Rhode Island is pursuing a similar bill now, and so is Virginia.  Watch the evil:

Selling baby body parts is big business these days, so expect more lobbyists to hook in politicians to introduce bills like this.

And don’t let them tell you it’s “medically necessary”. If the child must come out, he or she can come out without being killed.

This country has lost all sight of morality to allow this. It really shows where people are — mentally and spiritually — that they find this acceptable, because they know that there’s a person being killed here. There’s no doubt. It stands to reason that they think anyone can be killed if they have a reason. For example… if they don’t like your politics.

Is there any doubt that the demonic forces are in control of this country? Not only do crazy people propose this, and not only do crazy people pass these bills, and some crazy people even support it… but for the most part, the average American is not even offended enough to do anything about it. Which leads to the next point.

What Should I Be Offended About Today?

One of the biggest problems facing our society is how we are programmed to be offended about things that other people tell us to be offended about.  We turn on the TV or read the Internet (or even blogs like this one) and are told what we’re supposed to be all wound up about for the next day or two.  What we should be doing is asking ourselves on a regular basis:  what offends God?  Why do we care what Anderson Cooper thinks, or what the editorial board of the New York Times thinks, or what some celebrity thinks?  Isn’t God’s opinion the only one that matters?

People were more angry and spun up about Cecil the Lion than they are about these babies being killed.  Am I wrong?  If we would spend less time with TV and other media sources and more time contemplating God’s will, as a nation we could reorient our morality back to where it needs to be.

A Cautionary Tale

If Americans don’t turn ourselves around, we’re doomed.  Because there is no way God is going to allow this to go on forever and unpunished.  He has wiped out cities and nations in the past for far less.  He has to, just out of basic due justice for the victims of these crimes.

If you look through the Old Testament and even during the time of Christendom in Europe… INVASIONS by foreigners have always been perceived as a form of punishment from God.  (Or, for any snowflakes who think the language is too sharp:  consider that when we embrace evil, we are removing ourselves from being beneath God’s protection.  And less protection means the evil forces are freer to wield destruction, as we see all around us today.)  All across the West what do we observe?  Mass invasion of foreigners.  And a populace that appears to be completely paralyzed to stop it.

Whoever has ears ought to hear.

Gov. Cuomo ordered buildings be lit in pink to celebrate the passage of the new abortion bill.

Another General Failure

As you’ve probably heard by now, there is a new book coming out by former White House official and President Trump supporter Cliff Sims, and like many of these books they reveal some of the behind-the-scenes battles that were fought in the administration.

In an article over at Breitbart, there is some interesting, though unsurprising, information about former Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Shortly after Gen. Kelly took a position in the administration as the head of the Department of Homeland Security, he went on to try to publicly temper Trump’s promises on immigration, and in particular, “The Wall”. That was my first clue that this guy was positioning himself as a roadblock for the MAGA agenda.

Sims writes that when he took the Chief of Staff position, Kelly emphasized that he placed his allegiance to the country first, and the president second. Sims correctly identifies the fault with this vision: in such a position, a man serves his country by serving the president. That is the hierarchical order, and anything outside that is plain insubordination. If one believes that there is a conflict between serving a president and the country, then the honorable thing to do is resign, or not take the position to begin with. This, again, seems to indicate that Kelly saw his role as being a drag on Trump’s agenda.

If Sims is to be believed, Gen. Kelly helped thwart Trump’s attempts to remove troops from Syria — in accord with his campaign promise — for at least a year.

And this is where I get off the Kelly wagon.

Consider the irony of a man who thinks the US military should be used to “make democracy safe abroad” and “bring democracy to the Middle East” while actively working to smother democracy here at home.

Let’s recap: a large majority of Americans have wanted immigration restrictions in this country for decades. A large majority of Americans are against troop deployments in Syria — so much so that even Congress had to pass a resolution against it. Americans have voted for these policies time and time again. Where does John Kelly get off trying to prevent the will of the people from being carried out? Who, exactly, is he working for… and why are they so adamant for war?

If Assad were to be toppled, what would become of Syria’s Christians? I suspect they’d have a similar fate as Iraqi Christians after Saddam was routed.

Gen Z: Not Going to Take it Anymore


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